Many men don't understand women, that's a given. Women cheat just as much as men but If she feels the need to experiment then she's being neglected in some way, if you can't stimulate all her needs at a certain point you gotta make sure the other areas are taken care of. If you ensure your place then she won't stray.
Most times if a woman is going to cheat she'll let you know before hand lol. It's true. Most men think after they got the girl they can slack up. Nope, my Father taught me that if you get her by doing certain things you need to keep that up throughout the relationship. When a woman reaches the point where she doesn't nag you about stuff then you got a problem. It's not that she has finally "got with the program" she really just got tired of telling you what you should already know. Best believe she's now open to other interests.
I've grown to understand that as men it's our duty not understand women but to understand her needs, usually it's not a long list and what one needs may not apply to the next. It never hurts to just ask, make a mental note then handle your business. When you start looking at things like she's asking for too much you may just need to take a different perspective. Many times the best solution is not visible because our massive male pride and ego is in the way. No man wants to "Bow down" or be "whipped", guess what. That idiotic mentality will keep you solo and without a glass of water to put your straw (get it?). Us not wanting to look weak in front of our boys is one of the main reasons we miss out on great women in our lives.
Think back and I bet you regret a few choices made based on pride. I got more on my mind but that's it for now. Have a great day.