I think we have too many cookie cutter types of people in the world. Too afraid to be themselves so they spend their lives imitating other people and not knowing it. It's ok to be a little weird, then again who sets the standard for "Normal". Be yourself regardless of what others think. Variety keeps this mud ball called Earth interesting.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Monday, September 9, 2013
Understand This, for the Ladies
LADIES, WOMEN, bitches, hoes, hoodrats, bad bitches, aquafina flow title holders, Nikki minaj copies, birds, skeezers, whores, side chics, jump offs, feminists, Lesbians, Sista Soldiers and what ever else some females are calling themselves these days or acting like. what ever category you fall under or fit in, take a seat and listen read carefully, i don't explain myself often but when I do, take note. (side note, I figured i would cover all my bases, some folks call themselves one thing but identify with another and are REALLY something else, this way everyone can fit in)
I realize that some of my posts are a bit harsh but the truth hurts and in this life I've learned that you either accept it or it will eventually slap you in the face. TRUTH is that I care deeply for all women, no matter what walk of life you come from and for one main reason, i KNOW the greatness that resides within each and every one of you. So when i make posts that seem to criticize the lost souls of YOUR species it is not to degrade you or belittle your existence, it is to light a fire within your soul so that you can tap into the GREATNESS that i know is in you.
As with any journey there will be bumps in the road before you get to the final destination and with saying that i relate it to my style of speaking and writing, I often take the rough route to hit on a few sour patches that most others would avoid. with that said i understand that it would be easy for some to focus on the seemingly negative points and without knowing it miss the overall GOOD message that is really being presented. just like a puzzle you can't see the big picture if you are only looking at the individual pieces.
NOW with all that being said, just know that i am not a "woman basher" i simply believe that there are too many folks that glaze over the bad things in order to be politically correct and in doing so they become an enabler of less than desirable behavior and displays of sheer fuckery that some women show. as with anything the most negative things will ALWAYS get more attention than anything positive so no matter how great you are as an individual ladies, the bad seeds and the Bad bitches of the world tarnish YOUR name and YOUR image and create bad aspect that the rest of the world sees and will tend to clump you in with. I think that it's time YOU and the your sisters take charge and show everyone that you are not defined by these bad aspects that have helped create the stereotypes that we all have witnessed. also I charge any man with the right mind and drive to help UPLIFT the great women that are out there and encourage them to not conform to what society and other factors dictate but to step out and BECOME greater. show them that we LOVE and appreciate them and help them see that they do not have to become carbon copies of bad examples but they can CREATE new examples for young women to aspire to become.
Now that that is out of the way, I'll let you in on a little secret in regards to my love life and past. I have had some GREAT dating experiences and I've had some nightmares when it comes to the dating scene but the good out weighs the bad in such magnitude that i can never be a bitter man. I am good friends with just about everyone I've ever dated. every experience was a learning one and some worked out and some didn't but one fact remains is that i don't regret anything, nor do i regret any woman I've ever come across........ok there is one but, she was certified loco in de cabasa lol, she was nuttier than squirrel poop lol. but even so, that experience taught me how to really appreciate a good woman and show her how a man is suppose to treat a woman. it's true that sometimes it takes the bad to teach you how to recognize the good.
in closing, for future reference, if my posts make you feel some kind of way, if it angers you in some shape form or fashion, if you find yourself calling me out of my name because i stepped on your toes mentally.........GOOD!!! that let's me know that i'm telling the truth, i never want to be fake or sugar coat anything just to stroke some egos or cyberlly pat anyone on the back, if what i say makes you want to be a better person just to prove me wrong then my mission is accomplished. I am not a perfect person, truth be told i NEVER want to be, all i can be or ever strive to be is a better ME. All i want in the end is for myself, those around and anyone i can reach to do the same. sure it's not required of me in life but if it can help then i am doing something to make a difference in someone's life. Take care of each other and others will take care of you. have a great day. and if you read all of this.........you are cool in my book. thanks. peace.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
I LOVED seeing my Grandmother yesterday, she's such a sweet little old lady lol. She has alzheimer's so conversation loops but it's endearing because she's so genuine and loving no matter what. She says "Baby well thank you for helping me in the house, do you know my son Billy Joe" Me: "yes ma'am that's my Dad" Her: "oh really *laughter* you're so youthful looking and handsome" Me: "Thank you MommaDear"
*5 minutes later*
Her: "And who are you, you're a handsome young man" Me: "thank you mamadear I'm your grandson, I'm Billy's Son" *She busts out laughing "WELL I'LL BE!!" Yall grew up so fast" we talked like that for about an hour. I loved every minute. I remember when she was healthy, I'd clean her room and she'd give me 50 cents. I'd take the money and run to the corner store and get a bag full of penny candy then go hide it under the bed. Any time I got in trouble I would run to her room and she would save me from a butt whooping saying "Billy leave that boy alone" the only time she got upset was when we played in the room where the "good furniture" was, of course it had the plastic on it lol. So many good memories. I remember once myself, my brother Zuberi Givens and my cousin Kelvin Smith were playing in the back field with a barrel, lots of wood and matches. You can see where this is going smh. We left the fire going and came in to eat lunch. Then we smell smoke, look out the back window and see the entire field on fire. We start freaking out and my Dad's car pulls up.........I'm a dead kid walking (x_x). My Dad walks in and he KNEW we had something to do with it, he starts fussing and I pretty much saw my life flash before me lol. Then MommaDear walks in and says "Billy I'm so glad you burned all that high grass back there, no telling what was crawling back there, snakes and OOOO I can't stand snakes, how do they walk with no legs". YES!!! He got the praise and my backside was safe to sit lol. I was saved!! No whooping but my Dad just looked at me and said "I owe you one" lol.
Memories like that stick out in my life, last night was no different. Cherish your loved ones folks. Life is short and before you know it everyone is gone. What lasts forever are the moments we create together.