All African Americans who are possible descendants of slaves are suffering from generational post traumatic stress disorder. The effects of slavery are still prevalent in our mentalities and conditioned behavior. A good majority are suffering from self hatred. We were taught to hate our own skin and features, our men were taught to abandon their families not by that action but because they were systematically removed as the black families Masculine center piece. Everything is tied together. We are an ongoing social experiment of racism and other aspects.
We are all damaged. Let's be honest, we are wired to hate each other while being hated by the descendants of our former oppressors. We were never meant to remain in America after slavery ended. And to be honest it never ended, too many of us are mentally shackled. And the prison system is just legalized slavery that generates millions for the private sector. All kinds of things that we don't see are results of everything I stated.
We helped build this country but it's still not "For Us" yet. While we sit and bicker over stats on who is more fucked up our men or women, the wheels keep turning in our self inflicted and Racism assisted destruction. Keep it up folks.