This is a re-post of my opinion of the "think like a man" movement. Adding some more thoughts as well.
Thinking like a man and being a woman will only get your feelings hurt in the long run, keep in mind you are still a woman and as such you are by nature an emotional creature. With that said, you cannot suppress your true self for long unless you plan to completely lose your womanly Essence and that would be tragic to say the least. How can you adopt the mindset of what you believe to be a mans mindset without ever being one? Some women only think they have it figured out from what they perceive to be how a man thinks. If you are basing your assumptions solely on the assholes you have encountered would that not make you just as bad as them? So then if you claim to be a "good woman" won't you basically nullify that title? ........I say stay a woman in all that the gender encompasses, do not attempt to be, act or think like something you have no idea how to be. Just Become a better YOU, changing your behavior when its not really you is like putting on a mask, then it means you're just fake, so how can you demand that a man be "real" with you and you are not being real with yourself? that's the bottom line. I think the the entire message is getting misinterpreted by the masses due to low intelligence and easily manipulated minds. Not calling anyone stupid but if you have ever said anything resembling this --->"flip the script on them once in a while, they can dish it out but can't take it...." then you are lost. First of all WHY are you dealing with someone that you must play games with to get treated right? Secondly are you listening to how Hoodrattishly bitter you sound? (Yes I just made that word up......Sue me LOL). Letting your mind become warped by the stereotypical images of the "men vs women" saga will have you alone and bitter faster than a Hoe gets pregnant at all star weekend....that's pretty damn fast. You must THINK for yourselves and BE the woman you are meant to be, seek guidance from better sources than Taylor Perry movies and girlfriends reruns sometimes and PLEASE stop looking up to RHOA and the basketball sluts *ahem* I mean "wives" as role models. I think the exaggerated portrayals of what a black woman should do, say and act like are destroying your true Essence. Come back to reality. (Disclaimer if you are feeling some type of way about my post and missed the message, I'm not sorry, you probably needed to read this if it pissed you off)