When the Trayvon Martin tragedy begins to become more of a media circus instead of a public outcry you know society and the world in general is really messed up. It went from a horrible event and display of true darkness in a mans heart strong enough to make him take another humans life, To a racially charged media frenzy, where every washed up actor wants to rekindle their 15 minutes that have long fizzled out. We are beginning to see Trayvon Martin T-Shirts being sold in the Hood, I guess they cared momentarily but then realized "better get on my hustle".....its pathetic. Now every politician running for any office has to speak out......but for all the wrong reasons. Now the "hoodie" pic has become the cool thing to do, provided many have done it for the right reasons, there are some who are just bandwagon riders. And last but not least the news channel scavengers, speculating on court room strategies .........meanwhile the man responsible WALKS FREE! Regardless of race, color or creed, a child was murdered and the person that committed the crime walks untouched.we live in a world where MONEY is the get out of jail free card and your innocence can be purchased at a discount. Truth and justice barely exist any more, its all dependent on who can lie the best to the jury . Celebrities speak but wont donate a dime until it becomes the "cool thing" to do, news shows don't give a damn until ratings need a boost, politicians wont speak out until voters need to be stimulated, bandwagon folks wont do anything until it effects them and is at their front door. I commend everyone who are ACTUALLY doing something, the folks who attended the rallies and voiced their disdain for a horrible injustice. Truth be told, I don't care why The boy was in that neighborhood, what I DO care about is that YOU, ME, OUR CHILDREN are not in a "free county " if we can't simply walk wherever we want free of senseless harassment, but guess what........if that's the case......some of us have never been free.
Preach on!