Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Whats REALLY sexy to us grown men know one thing that's REALLY sexy to a grown man? Not the way you wear your 6 inch heels, your great fashion sense or even your exotic hair adventures. This is one thing that will AMAZE us and really set the bar high for any other woman that dares look at your man. I know some of you are thinking "shai just spit it out already, the suspense is killing us". OK I'll tell you.


That's right, a woman with a clean house is SUCH a turn on. Why? Because after seeing bathroom models with dirty mirrors in horrible looking bathrooms and piles of dirty clothes in the background while some chics pose looking all fly but failing to throw away the used Pampers in the waste basket......a clean house REALLY stands out LOL. 

Now I know not every woman does this so don't get your panties in a bunch LOL. I dated a woman once and I swear her house always smelled like dirty diapers and old hamburgers  (I CANT MAKE THIS STUFF UP FOLKS). Then the kitchen was always filled with dirty dishes, she couldn't cook so we always ate out, and the bed room.......*having traumatic flashback* ......I swear you had to climb over clothes just to get to the bed, needless to say it looked like Katrina hit that place but if you saw her out in public she looked like a mix between Evelyn Lozonda and Paula Patton and dressed "ready for the runway fresh" (yeah I have great taste as far as looks goes......too bad she was nastier than a cockroach that survived nuclear fall out). Moral of the story here, it takes more than looks to get and keep a grown man Ladies (before you say a word, shut up I know there are some guys out there who have dirty houses too, just sit down I got this LOL).

  You can't only focus on your appearance and neglet everything else, a man that only wants you for your looks alone will sniff after anything in a tight skirt, get a Guy who is appreciative of all aspects of your being. My uncle told me Beauty fades. So if looks is all you have to offer then you can only milk that for so long and a bad attitude and spirit can make even the prettiest face look ugly. Balance yourself and your life will follow suit.

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