Monday, December 31, 2012

my thoughts on Django

 Satirical in nature but it does contain some mirror images of a few mindsets that some African Americans have today. For the most part, I don't think many folks got what they expected from the movie and just laughed at the idiotic parts without looking into much. Truth is, many of the gruesome things that occurred in the movie actually occurred to our ancestors, although we were mostly spoonfed the watered down versions in school in the form of a short section in the history book that glazed over it. Was it a western? In a sense, was the plot super complicated? Not at all, was it a slave "payback" movie? Ahhhh.....not really, it was at best, a mixed bag of truths thinly hidden with a comical overlay and cheesy plot with a happy ending. It is what it is, call it the new millennium blacksploitation film. And I must count how many times the word "nigger, nigga and nigguhs" was used next time I watch it. The young adults who were in the theater laughed like there was no tomorrow, obviously un-phased by anything and easily entertained. The people in my age range sat in silence during the more serious parts (the killing of one slave in a rather brutal way) because we know those sorts of things actually happened back then. And the much older folks also sat in complete stillness, some even left. So what I gathered from this observation is that there is an important need for our TRUE history to be uncovered, and past down through the generations. It is becoming diluted and is continuously covered by the lies and systematic "wool over the eyes" tactics in a sense. Spike Lee may not agree with the movie but then again I ask, what is he doing in his position to change the portrayal of us as opposed to his previous work. I hope if anything a spark is lit in some young viewers and they are compelled to look deeper into their own past. the movie is a necessary evil in my opinion. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

State of Hip Hop as i see it

these days talent has nothing to do with Hip Hop, ever since Hip Hop met the industry side of the business, it began to die, young artists were and still are being exploited and the reality of it is it's no longer social commentary but rather dreams and false imagery being sold to appeal to the masses in the pursuit of the all mighty dollar. the pawns (artists) are disposable. Present day Hip Hop is no longer a major outlet for artists and they are now faced with the decision of whether they want to stay true to their Love of the music and virtually not make a living or conform to the industry formula and in essence sell their soul for fame. as far as Jay and Nas go, Nas is one of my favorite Artists. he is a better lyricist in my opinion but Jay is a better business man but both are Legends in their own right. nuff said. as far as freestyles go, their are very few that still exist that can truly freestyle, then again, we just have never seen them, there are plenty of unsigned artists that i am sure can destroy any one of our favorites, hell i know a few here. problem is now, record companies are signing the Chief keef's and trinidad james type artists, no substance or skills present whatsoever. anything that actually makes you think to get a metaphor or punch line, usually doesn't make it far. i see a true revolution coming where independent artists and even the artists that are bound by contracts will break free and begin a new movement taking back what was started so long ago. Hip Hop is not dead, just in Hibernation. #BLKsunday

Unity is Possible

you know what killed chivalry ladies? your hoodrat "i don't need a man" "ewww he so thirtsy" "he too nice" "i'm independent" "he gave me a compliment because he just wanna fuck" type females.........more of of us men WOULD show chivalry if SOME of you would allow us to without thinking we have other motives. AND the fact that many of YOU yes YOU would rather have a "thug" type rather than an intelligent brother with actual goals aside from the new J's is just a death sentence in itself. sorry i had to weigh in a bit on this one. notice i said "SOME" ladies before you jump down my throat, just agree with me here and everything will go smoothly. and i want to add, guess what, destroyed the image of the black man in the eyes of the black woman, the systematic destruction of the Black man's ability to actually BE a man and the head of a household but not by ourselves. we are in a time where the Black man is becoming aware that we NEED to retake our position but we also NEED your help ladies. you want a black man that listens? well stop choosing the REAL NIGGAS over the GROWN MEN. you want a man to take charge and LEAD, then learn how to FOLLOW. LEARN the true meaning and STRENGTH in the word "submissive" and stop screaming "i'm independent" but secretly wanting a man to take care of you, here is a secret, you should NEVER be in a Penis measuring contest with your man....... let him be the man and encourage him, be supportive and NURTURE his growth and it will be done in return, if he has to waste his time fighting with you, does that do anything but hinder his forward progress? if you two are not moving in the same direction, you are slowly taking each other down. Place two Oxen together and place a harness on their necks, watch how they act. as long as the both of them attempt a separate path they will make no forward progress, before long they will become weak and eventually die, get the idea? -------i can go all day with this but moral of the story is, the black man and black woman must learn to Love one another and break free of the psychological chains that bind us and have seemingly put us against each other. we are not each others enemies. until we see it on a large scale, progress, mental freedom and UNITY can not be attained.

New year new me.....shut up

OK so now is the time of year when SOME  chics start screaming "new year new me"......let me stop you misguided heffas RIGHT THERE lol. First off, why are you waiting until now to become a "new me"? You were lazy all year until now?  secondly, where you not just screaming the SAME thing last year around the same time? Soooooo the old you was messed up, the new you from 2012 was STILL messed up and now you want to try again? Get a clue babe, reinvention is not your strong point lol. Here is a push in the right direction..... BE YOURSELF!! Stop trying to be any "new you" and just be who you are. Self improvement is great but you are not and will never be perfect, be at peace with the "you" that you are and present HER to the world, you may be surprised at the positive response you get. It's OK to actually like who you are. Try it.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

drinking and thinking

Tipsy thoughts: in this life we are born into an existence that is not determined by anything but our free will, choices, and the experiences that we shall go through. we typically change as a result of or adapt to as we grow. everything we go through and every person we meet has an effect on us whether we want to admit it or not. now think of this, we are constantly changing and evolving beings, who you are today is not the same person you will be tomorrow as a direct result of prior stated experiences and people met. we pick up traits based on things we see from others at times, we are constantly taking in information and learning, sometimes on an unconscious level and those things have effects on our development as people. some of us are prisoners within our own minds and don't realize that anything is possible if we become aware of the shackles that we sometimes place on ourselves. nothing is out of reach from you if you truly have the desire and drive to attain it. free yourselves.