Wednesday, December 26, 2012

State of Hip Hop as i see it

these days talent has nothing to do with Hip Hop, ever since Hip Hop met the industry side of the business, it began to die, young artists were and still are being exploited and the reality of it is it's no longer social commentary but rather dreams and false imagery being sold to appeal to the masses in the pursuit of the all mighty dollar. the pawns (artists) are disposable. Present day Hip Hop is no longer a major outlet for artists and they are now faced with the decision of whether they want to stay true to their Love of the music and virtually not make a living or conform to the industry formula and in essence sell their soul for fame. as far as Jay and Nas go, Nas is one of my favorite Artists. he is a better lyricist in my opinion but Jay is a better business man but both are Legends in their own right. nuff said. as far as freestyles go, their are very few that still exist that can truly freestyle, then again, we just have never seen them, there are plenty of unsigned artists that i am sure can destroy any one of our favorites, hell i know a few here. problem is now, record companies are signing the Chief keef's and trinidad james type artists, no substance or skills present whatsoever. anything that actually makes you think to get a metaphor or punch line, usually doesn't make it far. i see a true revolution coming where independent artists and even the artists that are bound by contracts will break free and begin a new movement taking back what was started so long ago. Hip Hop is not dead, just in Hibernation. #BLKsunday

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