Todays young women are being raised to be overly sexual and programmed to be under appreciated by young men who were taught to disrespect females and aspire to be "real niggas" rather than responsible grown men. I think there are many factors that come into play here. Sad truth is some of these "mothers" think that their child being able to "twerk" and "catch the wall" is cute, then when the kid becomes a teen mother the parents wonder where they went wrong, being a 30 year 29 year old grandma is not cute ladies. They rarely think that the very LACK of their parenting when it was most needed was not performed. They think just feeding and sheltering a child is the equivalent of raising the child. Poor misguided individuals. And the Men who help create this problem are just as guilty, Fellas we MUST show our young ladies how women should be properly treated, regardless of your relationship status. You should hate the title "baby daddy" with a passion. Yes I understand that some women make it hard to be a father but remember YOU didn't fall inside her by accident. Now handle your business as a man and fight for your title as FATHER.
I don't think some parents realize just how much their children take in and absorb. They see everything. These are far different times we live in. When I was a kid BET and MTV were brand new, youtube didn't exist and the internet was just gaining speed. Google wasn't as big as it is now. We actually had to play outside. We didn't have cell phones or social sites. True text messaging was a folded piece of paper with writing on it. Today kids have unmonitored access to all the good and the bad that this corrupted world has to offer. Not sheltering them but teaching them how to discern what is and is not acceptable behavior is a key in this day and age. We MUST save our children. When children can dance and recite words to adult content songs better than read in their current grade level. We have a major problem folks.
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