We see it every day in many forms but it never really seems to sit right with most of us with sense and morals. That issue is Black woman bashing, it's understandable that the ones that do it the most think that they are "exposing truth" but the real truth is that their energy is wasted on issues that pale in comparison to the big picture and they lack the intelligence to see otherwise.
We live in a world where the inner cities are plagued with Black on Black crimes, the murder rate is constantly rising, women and children are homeless, police brutality, crooked jail systems, Fatherless girls and boys and thousands dying from the deadly spread of STDs. Why are these "men" focused on "bedwenches", weaves and single mothers the most?
For every single mother that exists the is a man who ran away from his SHARED responsibility. It takes two to create a child yet many of these men who seem to hate women can't understand the basics in human reproduction or so it may seem. We have music glorifying drug dealers and gangstas and THESE are the male figures our fatherless sons are trying to emulate, THESE are the male figures that are teaching your future what a man is suppose to be. There are young men who will die in prison because somewhere WE failed to SHOW them a better way. But you are focused on weave and scandal?
What purpose does attacking women serve when you have nothing constructive to actually SAY? If you spend your time convincing a woman that she is nothing she will BE nothing. You will crush her spirit and she will not aspire to do anything other that be exactly what you've told her she is. Why? Because as men WE are the ones who lead. Some women will change for the better but we cannot afford to leave the others by the wayside simply because you LACK the mental capacity to reach them as well. There are more ways to reach the ones you so called love. Constantly coming from a place of anger will only place them into a defensive mind state and your efforts are lost before they ever gain ground. And if you think that love would intentionally berate a woman as a whole based on the things you see wrong then you know very little about love.
Women are not children, you cannot reprimand them as such, to think so you are treating them like they have no comprehension skills and for that you will fail. Respect and love with the intention of building a stronger and effective BALANCE between men and women is needed. Positive actions breed positive results. Every man can possess leadership skills but every man is not a leader. You can have good intentions and still lead others to more destruction. If you truly LOVE our women you will bring them closer and find out what is needed to unify and not divide. Now I challenge you to see more than what's there. Constantly pointing your finger at ONE thing will always blind you from everything else around you.
Belittling women does not make you more of a man.
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