Monday, December 30, 2013

Why do some men hate black women but talk so much about it?

If you hate black women so much why talk about them constantly? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result each time. So why have sex with these supposed vile women? If you would still sleep with them but claim they are disgusting what does that say about you? Only pigs like to wallow in mud. Why constantly talk about Them if you don't want them?

Seems illogical to invest so much time in something or someone you supposedly despise so much. But to bait them into arguments then claim they are emotional and incapable of logic is illogical in itself since YOU started the engagement with that emotional person knowing a logical discussion is not possible. Attention whoring at it's best. And seeking the attention from that supposedly vile creature the black woman seems rather idiotic.

So is it that you really love the black woman but don't know any way to tell her? That makes more sense. The old juvenile "hit the girl you like" tactic. When you think about it all you find patterns that reveal very underdeveloped minds of men who fail to see their own short comings. Most evolved men strive to improve self and others.

The greatest prison ever built has no bars. Free your mind men and realize that you are aiding in your own destruction.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Ethereal Love

Ethereal love
This is a piece written at random by two like minds
Sitting on the roof, I notice a shooting star and wish for a dream to come true.
A dream of what could be and with whom I would share this moment with in the future.
At times I wonder where my celestial half is because I am surely not from this planet.
Only they can understand the interactions my brain has with the real world and the reality it speaks.
Inside this ethereal mind, worlds are created by sheer thought and the world created misses her.. which means it is worthless because she is the sun. The sun that nourishes my thoughts and brings light to my soul.
The sun that caresses my body and warms my spirt; it ignites me with life.
It fills me with the motivation to breathe and live for each day knowing that my celestial half will forever make my uncertain world a meaningful playground of emotion.
And in it we can flourish like that of a dying flower touched by the light and nurtured by the very earth its seed once rested.
The very earth we walk upon each day searching for each other's existence and following only our inner compass to guide the way.
Although my compass has been misaligned but a few times, it knows deep within, where my true half resides.
And in that direction I will pool my life's energy because once I've arrived I know that my life will forever be changed by the beauty of a single "Hello". One simple five letter word will be the true beginning of my life because I will finally be whole, complete; at peace.
The closing of the circle will emit joy and those things I believed would be my doom will wash away leaving only you and me against the world.
Against all odds and whatever treachery may come, I would gladly die by your side knowing that our love is eternal, then our spirits may leave their earthly vessels by which they are bound, once again to soar the cosmos.
Touching every star along the way to brighten the world with a glimpse of who we once were apart but how powerful we have become together.
Flying faster than comets, shining brighter than the brightest star, intertwined becoming one in each others energy in love. When you lay your hand upon mine and lean in to bare your sole to me a mirror appears and we are one in the same; each breathe, each thought, each emotion.
Look behind eyes filled with passion and desire, for the eyes are said to be the windows to the soul and you are its keeper.
I gladly surrender to you.
I give you all of me and expect nothing in return for through your eyes I have seen it all and bear witnesss to true beauty unmatched by another.
For you are the one and only. Making love would be an understatement, this is more than just a physical act, it has started deep within the closely guarded gate of our minds.
It is intensified by getting lost in every kiss and my mind whispering 'yes' knowing that you can hear me and can feel what my body wants, what it needs. Warmth of your hands radiate through each gentle touch of your finger tips, wrapped in one anothers arms, meshing together as two beings with one shared heart.
My smile duplicated by yours while your lips steal my breathe away where ever they land.
Each target is not predetermined but governed by our every wish, I exist but only to please you my goddess.
And I in turn exist to make your every wish come true and to venture into your heart and make it my own desire to please you beyond your imagination. Then we exist for each other, surround me with all that you are, become my air so that I may live by your essence.
Become my thoughts so that I can never be lost in fear of lonelines again; guide me to your infinite love.
Teach me every nook, every curve, every soft detail of your entire body so that I may study you closely, slowly, completely in your glory.
Let me explore every one of your fantasies and heighten them with my love so when you reach your limit your heaven will be in my eyes and inside my body. Let me bathe in your love so that it flows in and through me, around me and covers me entirely and vice versa, so that when I enter you it will be the equivalent of another dimension of pleasure on a mental plateau.
Let me hear you speak your pleasure as your world collides with mine and your passion evident in your movements. Movements come natural when paired with one who is so close to your own heart; bring me to my limit then join me in an explosion of the mind, body and soul.
And bask in this moment's existence for it is the only thing your body has ever wanted, ever needed; a place where your dream of peace has come true. Inside you. Inside me and outside the world we came from.
Physical plains of existence cease to exist in our world we are all that appears. We are all that matters; me and you alone in a realm of utter joy; there is no falling because there is no end, no beginning just infinity.......

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Belittling women does not make you more of a man

We see it every day in many forms but it never really seems to sit right with most of us with sense and morals. That issue is Black woman bashing, it's understandable that the ones that do it the most think that they are "exposing truth" but the real truth is that their energy is wasted on issues that pale in comparison to the big picture and they lack the intelligence to see otherwise.

We live in a world where the inner cities are plagued with Black on Black crimes, the murder rate is constantly rising, women and children are homeless, police brutality, crooked jail systems, Fatherless girls and boys and thousands dying from the deadly spread of STDs. Why are these "men" focused on "bedwenches", weaves and single mothers the most?

For every single mother that exists the is a man who ran away from his SHARED responsibility. It takes two to create a child yet many of these men who seem to hate women can't understand the basics in human reproduction or so it may seem. We have music glorifying drug dealers and gangstas and THESE are the male figures our fatherless sons are trying to emulate, THESE are the male figures that are teaching your future what a man is suppose to be. There are young men who will die in prison because somewhere WE failed to SHOW them a better way.  But you are focused on weave and scandal?

What purpose does attacking women serve when you have nothing constructive to actually SAY? If you spend your time convincing a woman that she is nothing she will BE nothing. You will crush her spirit and she will not aspire to do anything other that be exactly what you've told her she is. Why? Because as men WE are the ones who lead. Some women will change for the better but we cannot afford to leave the others by the wayside simply because you LACK the mental capacity to reach them as well. There are more ways to reach the ones you so called love. Constantly coming from a place of anger will only place them into a defensive mind state and your efforts are lost before they ever gain ground. And if you think that love would intentionally berate a woman as a whole based on the things you see wrong then you know very little about love.

Women are not children, you cannot reprimand them as such, to think so you are treating them like they have no comprehension skills and for that you will fail. Respect and love with the intention of building a stronger and effective BALANCE between men and women is needed. Positive actions breed positive results. Every man can possess leadership skills but every man is not a leader. You can have good intentions and still lead others to more destruction. If you truly LOVE our women you will bring them closer and find out what is needed to unify and not divide. Now I challenge you to see more than what's there. Constantly pointing your finger at ONE thing will always blind you from everything else around you. 

Belittling women does not make you more of a man.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Communication is a big problem between men and women because there is a MAJOR communication gap between men and women that STARTS at birth. Think about it, young women are raised and taught to express their emotions, communicate and voice their feelings. Young boys on the other hand are taught that this kind of thing is seen as "soft" or not manly. We are never taught to express our innermost feelings nor are we encouraged to do do.

Now fast forward to adulthood. Many women WANT a man who is able to do these things and TALK to her. As men we are often unable to properly do this because we never nurtured that part of ourselves. In essense we have a stunted communicative skill in regards to our female counterparts. This and other factors contribute to the communication problem that men and women face. We must remove the stigma that comes with being men who can actually talk to our women and women must understand that they can be receptive of this possibility. With both sides willing, it can drastically change the dynamic. Just my thoughts though.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

We can't get along long enough to get people my people

I'm guessing then since I'm not enraged or angered by the women I've experienced and observed in my life then I don't feel the need to combat the the women who have nothing to do with my life. If I encounter one that can evoke anger from me then I'll address her on a one by one level. I can't see myself harping on all the "bad ones" especially if I've never met them all. Especially if I don't know the "why" she is the way she is. Everyone comes from a different background and I don't know every ones story so it's not logically sound to toss them all into the same box simply because they possess similar traits and mannerisms.

I can understand the standpoint. I just thought that men would rather take a higher route. Bickering with a woman over something like this should be be beneath a man. I can't sit and rehash a subject over and over and expect a different result. If these women are supposed to be so irrational, then how rational is it to continually attempt a connection to make them see their error? That's irrational and illogical.

The women that I've encountered never try to out man a man and it seems like every notion of "feminist supremacy" or conspiracy comes from a mans mind, sometimes that's just not what's going on. Fact is no matter what I say, there will always be someone not willing to listen that will find everything wrong with it and find every reason to not simply let go and move on. There can be no battle if there is NO battle. Meaning just stop. Our Black Women WANT to love us, will we let them? If we continue to hold onto these scars and wounds we will never heal as a people. THEY don't have to kill us off. We WILLFULLY commit slow genocide by the way we seem to hate each other. We have no accountability for ourselves as a whole. There are BIGGER problems on the world stage and we are stuck pointing fingers trying to one up each other. We can't even get along long enough to to realize how stupid we look fighting each other. And it's sad, it's draining, it's a miserable existence that only weakens us. Family, community, nation. FAMILY, COMMUNITY, NATION. we don't seem to want either. Men and women can't see eye to eye long enough to create family, families don't exist to strengthen a community and without a network of communities there can be no nation. We are DYING.........and no one his slitting our throats and we are holding the knife.

Men afraid to lead because WE can't even get on the same page. Noble and righteous traits are labeled simpdom, petty bickering and false leaders who lead our men to darkness and many are too blind to see it. We were molded long ago to hate ourselves and each other. We are too swallowed in mutual hate for one another that we cannot see passed our own noses. We have to wake up. There CAN be peace and there will be I won't give up and discard my people as easily as some others will. I believe in reaching out and pulling up my lost sisters and brothers. No need to kick them when we already perceive them as lower than us or scum. But EVERY man and woman is created equal so how dare we just dismiss them because they are not pleasing to us. No one is perfect yet we will treat those we deem unworthy as nothing. ....we all we once nothing in the eyes of masters..........have we forgotten?

We are still feeling the effects of it all, psychologically stunted in growth. So much that we won't allow ourselves to GET PASSED ourselves. We can't have peace because some people don't possess peace within........... nor do they want it.
Perception is reality and I just have to accept that my perception is not others reality. Especially if they refuse to see more than what's at the tip of the accusing finger. Focused so hard on one point in existence that the rest of the world ceases to exist.

The strongest prison ever created has no bars.......

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Variety of people

I think we have too many cookie cutter types of people in the world. Too afraid to be themselves so they spend their lives imitating other people and not knowing it. It's ok to be a little weird, then again who sets the standard for "Normal". Be yourself regardless of what others think. Variety keeps this mud ball called Earth interesting. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Understand This, for the Ladies

LADIES, WOMEN, bitches, hoes, hoodrats, bad bitches, aquafina flow title holders, Nikki minaj copies, birds, skeezers, whores, side chics, jump offs, feminists, Lesbians, Sista Soldiers and what ever else some females are calling themselves these days or acting like. what ever category you fall under or fit in, take a seat and listen read carefully, i don't explain myself often but when I do, take note. (side note, I figured i would cover all my bases, some folks call themselves one thing but identify with another and are REALLY something else, this way everyone can fit in)

I realize that some of my posts are a bit harsh but the truth hurts and in this life I've learned that you either accept it or it will eventually slap you in the face. TRUTH is that I care deeply for all women, no matter what walk of life you come from and for one main reason, i KNOW the greatness that resides within each and every one of you. So when i make posts that seem to criticize the lost souls of YOUR species it is not to degrade you or belittle your existence, it is to light a fire within your soul so that you can tap into the GREATNESS that i know is in you.

As with any journey there will be bumps in the road before you get to the final destination and with saying that i relate it to my style of speaking and writing, I often take the rough route to hit on a few sour patches that most others would avoid. with that said i understand that it would be easy for some to focus on the seemingly negative points and without knowing it miss the overall GOOD message that is really being presented. just like a puzzle you can't see the big picture if you are only looking at the individual pieces.

NOW with all that being said, just know that i am not a "woman basher" i simply believe that there are too many folks that glaze over the bad things in order to be politically correct and in doing so they become an enabler of less than desirable behavior and displays of sheer fuckery that some women show. as with anything the most negative things will ALWAYS get more attention than anything positive so no matter how great you are as an individual ladies, the bad seeds and the Bad bitches of the world tarnish YOUR name and YOUR image and create bad aspect that the rest of the world sees and will tend to clump you in with. I think that it's time YOU and the your sisters take charge and show everyone that you are not defined by these bad aspects that have helped create the stereotypes that we all have witnessed. also I charge any man with the right mind and drive to help UPLIFT the great women that are out there and encourage them to not conform to what society and other factors dictate but to step out and BECOME greater. show them that we LOVE and appreciate them and help them see that they do not have to become carbon copies of bad examples but they can CREATE new examples for young women to aspire to become.

Now that that is out of the way, I'll let you in on a little secret in regards to my love life and past. I have had some GREAT dating experiences and I've had some nightmares when it comes to the dating scene but the good out weighs the bad in such magnitude that i can never be a bitter man. I am good friends with just about everyone I've ever dated. every experience was a learning one and some worked out and some didn't but one fact remains is that i don't regret anything, nor do i regret any woman I've ever come across........ok there is one but, she was certified loco in de cabasa lol, she was nuttier than squirrel poop lol. but even so, that experience taught me how to really appreciate a good woman and show her how a man is suppose to treat a woman. it's true that sometimes it takes the bad to teach you how to recognize the good.

in closing, for future reference, if my posts make you feel some kind of way, if it angers you in some shape form or fashion, if you find yourself calling me out of my name because i stepped on your toes mentally.........GOOD!!! that let's me know that i'm telling the truth, i never want to be fake or sugar coat anything just to stroke some egos or cyberlly pat anyone on the back, if what i say makes you want to be a better person just to prove me wrong then my mission is accomplished. I am not a perfect person, truth be told i NEVER want to be, all i can be or ever strive to be is a better ME. All i want in the end is for myself, those around and anyone i can reach to do the same. sure it's not required of me in life but if it can help then i am doing something to make a difference in someone's life. Take care of each other and others will take care of you. have a great day. and if you read all of are cool in my book. thanks. peace.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


I LOVED seeing my Grandmother yesterday, she's such a sweet little old lady lol. She has alzheimer's so conversation loops but it's endearing because she's so genuine and loving no matter what. She says "Baby well thank you for helping me in the house, do you know my son Billy Joe" Me: "yes ma'am that's my Dad" Her: "oh really *laughter* you're so youthful looking and handsome" Me: "Thank you MommaDear"

*5 minutes later*

Her: "And who are you, you're a handsome young man" Me: "thank you mamadear I'm your grandson, I'm Billy's Son" *She busts out laughing "WELL I'LL BE!!" Yall grew up so fast"  we talked like that for about an hour. I loved every minute. I remember when she was healthy, I'd clean her room and she'd give me 50 cents.  I'd take the money and run to the corner store and get a bag full of penny candy then go hide it under the bed. Any time I got in trouble I would run to her room and she would save me from a butt whooping saying "Billy leave that boy alone" the only time she got upset was when we played in the room where the "good furniture" was, of course it had the plastic on it lol. So many good memories. I remember once myself, my brother Zuberi Givens and my cousin Kelvin Smith were playing in the back field with a barrel, lots of wood and matches. You can see where this is going smh. We left the fire going and came in to eat lunch. Then we smell smoke, look out the back window and see the entire field on fire. We start freaking out and my Dad's car pulls up.........I'm a dead kid walking (x_x). My Dad walks in and he KNEW we had something to do with it, he starts fussing and I pretty much saw my life flash before me lol. Then MommaDear walks in and says "Billy I'm so glad you burned all that high grass back there, no telling what was crawling back there, snakes and OOOO I can't stand snakes, how do they walk with no legs". YES!!! He got the praise and my backside was safe to sit lol. I was saved!! No whooping but my Dad just looked at me and said "I owe you one" lol.

Memories like that stick out in my life, last night was no different.  Cherish your loved ones folks. Life is short and before you know it everyone is gone. What lasts forever are the moments we create together. 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Take the first step


You can never finish anything if you never start.......
Don't let fear of failure or the perceived hardships on the way detour you from beginning the journey to success. Nothing worth having is easy. All it takes is that first step and you've already done the hardest just finish.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Chivalry thoughts revisited

Historically Chivalry was a particular code of conduct that Knights were held to These qualities are idealized by knighthood, such as bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women. Common courteous behavior in a nutshell. Many men lack manners as a result of never being taught by an older gentleman. Also some men who DO practice chivalry don't display it simply for not having respectable women to attempt chivalrous behavior with. And my all time favorite. ......the women (not all) with the stank attitude that expect it but don't deserve it and the women (not all) that won't accept it based on previous interactions with assholes who fake it for phone numbers lol.

As a man who DOES practice chivalry I was taught by my father to always treat women with respect regardless of any circumstance. This sounds fine just saying it but in real world situations it's hard for us grown men to discern when to display our manners. This is because with so many differences in women out here and upbringing we can (at any given moment) meet one who is not receptive, doesn't want it, demands it, disregards it or in rare cases actually enjoys it and simply says thank you.

So many factors are included in this occurrence that I can't touch on each aspect but for right now these are just a few. Also we must take into account the role the "independent woman" movement introduced. On one hand you have women with the mentality that they need no man for anything, but still want us to display chivalry. ......wrap your brains around that one folks lol. Then there are the men who treat women right JUST to get sex and with that creates extremely cautious women that are skeptical of men with manners. So for us who DO act in genuine ways it's very disheartening when trying to be a certain way without knowing what comes next from the woman. So as we can see there are aspects from both sexes that add to the diminished idea of chivalry. But trust me it's not dead, just some bitches messed it up for grown women and some mitches screwed it up for grown men.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Make her the main coarse

Make her the main coarse
------ She walks into my domain wearing nothing but a black trench coat and red high heels. She is  filled with anticipation and wondering what pleasure awaits. The lights are off and a single candle is lit, it flickers slowly as she walks passed it to touch me. We embrace each other with a passionate hug and I begin to kiss her as my hands slide underneath her garments to feel her warm soft body. I can smell her perfume lightly and perfectly placed on her neck and I begin to suck and lick on it. She grabs my hands and place them at my sides then whispers "Slow down baby let me drive for a second".

She pushes me down onto the bed and then takes off my shoes, socks and pants; then my shirt and now I'm completely naked. I love to be in charge but this feels interestingly intriguing.  She Begins to kiss my stomach and my dick starts to wake up as she slowly makes her way closer to it. Her mouth simply hovers over it as it throbs, she flits her tongue like wet butterfly wings over the head and begins to slowly suck, with each up and down motion she takes in another inch until she's deep throating my entire penis. Choking herself and spitting with slow, slurping and sensual lust. Next she stands up and within the candle light I see the trench coat slide off her beautiful body, the coat hits the floor and with that she kicks off her heels then walks forward and stands upon the bed above my erect engorged dick. She lowers herself just above the head then pushes just the tip in, I reach up to attempt to pull her down completely onto me. She pushes my hands down and says "Baby I got this.......I'm driving this stick shift, just enjoy the ride".

She begins to simply rotate her hips masterfully keeping the head inside, around......and around.....and around  MMMMMMMMMM down one stroke........around ......and around and MMMMM MMMMMMM two strokes as she gets dripping wet and I fight the urge to just thrust my pelvis up and my dick DEEP inside her FUCK this pussy is good and she is messing my head up......she starts to be overcome with her own desires for more deep strokes......SLACK SPLACK SPLACK SPLACK those hips start to slam against me and my dick touches the bottom of her pussy and touching each tight wall. She falls forward onto me and I wrap my arms around her as our lower regions continue to grind and dance to the music of our deep breaths and sensual moans and grunts. We roll around in bed fighting for dominance in this Sexesode. No one backs down but it's beneficial for both. I lay back and pull her up to straddle my mouth. I love it when a woman straddles my face. She lowers herself down just above my mouth and i grab her thighs while she grabs the backboard. then i start with some slow licks to feel out where everything is located and make sure i control my breath so the hot air stimulates her pussy. as i am licking i push my tongue inside gently every few licks so she feels my warm tongue enter her hot spot. her knees may start to get weak so (at this point i lay her down on her back and continue and i put her legs on my shoulders) as i am doing all this i reach up and caress her breast, firmly but not to rough. when i feel that it's time to turn up the heat i cover her pussy with my lips and make my tongue go faster while it's inside her, up and down and side to side, no teeth involved (that's a no no, this aint no chewing gum)

---now it's time to really mess her head up. i get to the clit and place my lips around it and start to suck it gently while my tongue twirls around it in alternating directions. I lick my tongue out to trace the opening. I curl my index finger up into her G-Spot and massage it while sucking the clit. She begins squirming and looking like a break dancer. ---she grabs the back of my head with one hand and uses the other to grab the sheets .......pulling my head in tighter as her legs begin to shake she is about to BLOW!! I start sucking a little harder and really moving my tongue around it, i want her to damn near pass out off this orgasm. then " don't stop......don't. ......uuuummmm.......mmmmmmm..........oooooh.......OOOOOOH OOOOOOOOOH.......FUUU.....FFFFFFFUCK......OOH SHIT I CAN'T. ...stop.......mmmmm......mmmmmm.......... she cums dramatically i hold the legs to my shoulders and keep licking, slowing it down so she can get ready for more dick. Still Hard and waiting to re enter her hot dripping pussy, I raise her legs up and slowly push inside her. It's wetter than before and with each stroke I feel myself getting closer to climax. I lean back and cross her legs closed. This makes her pussy feel tighter. I start to make deeper pumps and lean back more so that my dick head grazes her G spot with each increasingly hard thrust. Shit I'm losing it.........just a little more......just a little.......fuck it.......fuck it.......yes it's coming I can feel this moment I am slamming myself into her thighs.....she grabs her legs spreading them wide as I transition into push up position and DUMP dick inside her. The bed feels like it's going to break as we fuck each other like we hate each other.........shit......"FUCK ME......FUCK ME BABY" she screams....."Cum for me!!.....please..I want it"......Faster and faster .........I feel it about to erupt out of me........Mmmmm..




CUUUUUUMS.......she pulls me deep inside her as I fill her up with cum .....body shivering and tingling all over. Head spinning.....damn.....shit......motherfucker........... " on the pill?" "No".......well damn.....

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Save them

Todays young women are being raised to be overly sexual and programmed to be under appreciated by young men who were taught to disrespect females and aspire to be "real niggas" rather than responsible grown men. I think there are many factors that come into play here. Sad truth is some of these "mothers" think that their child being able to "twerk" and "catch the wall" is cute, then when the kid becomes a teen mother the parents wonder where they went wrong, being a 30 year 29 year old grandma is not cute ladies. They rarely think that the very LACK of their parenting when it was most needed was not performed. They think just feeding and sheltering a child is the equivalent of raising the child. Poor misguided individuals. And the Men who help create this problem are just as guilty, Fellas we MUST show our young ladies how women should be properly treated, regardless of your relationship status. You should hate the title "baby daddy" with a passion. Yes I understand that some women make it hard to be a father but remember YOU didn't fall inside her by accident. Now handle your business as a man and fight for your title as FATHER. 

I don't think some parents realize just how much their children take in and absorb. They see everything. These are far different times we live in. When I was a kid BET and MTV were brand new, youtube didn't exist and the internet was just gaining speed. Google wasn't as big as it is now. We actually had to play outside. We didn't have cell phones or social sites. True text messaging was a folded piece of paper with writing on it. Today kids have unmonitored access to all the good and the bad that this corrupted world has to offer. Not sheltering them but teaching them how to discern what is and is not acceptable behavior is a key in this day and age. We MUST save our children. When children can dance and recite words to adult content songs better than read in their current grade level. We have a major problem folks.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Our youth --my thoughts

What are we teaching our children? Our sons have more pressure on them to become thugs, drug addicts,  dealers, slackers, degenerates and women disrespecting low lifes rather than noble upstanding men with goals, ambition and priorities geared towards building a complete family these days.

Our Daughrers are being influenced to twerk, whore and hoodrat their way through life more than becoming a responsible and respectful GROWN WOMAN that men will take seriously and WANT to be with aside from momentary pleasure. I can't help but feel empty when I see the media spot light mostly negative things about us and ignore the accomplishments made by youth who persevere despite environmental odds.

Youtube is filled with twerk videos of lost teens (strip club audition videos in my opinion) and fight videos of high school kids acting savagely in public places. The list goes on, and we do nothing to try and inspire more from them. They are cryinng out for attention. Why are we ignoring them? Please, play a bigger part in a young persons life. It CAN and WILL make a difference.  ----signed One Concerned adult

Monday, July 8, 2013


You can scream all day and never say anything of importance.

You can live forever and never gain wisdom.

You can fight everyone and never win the war.

You can run forever and never see the finish line.

You can push with all your might and never move an inch.

You can  know everything and teach nothing.

What this means is, in life, everything is nothing without PURPOSE.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Fellas we just don't get it

Many men don't understand women, that's a given. Women cheat just as much as men but If she feels the need to experiment then she's being neglected in some way, if you can't stimulate all her needs at a certain point you gotta make sure the other areas are taken care of. If you ensure your place then she won't stray.

Most times if a woman is going to cheat she'll let you know before hand lol. It's true. Most men think after they got the girl they can slack up. Nope, my Father taught me that if you get her by doing certain things you need to keep that up throughout the relationship. When a woman reaches the point where she doesn't nag you about stuff then you got a problem.  It's not that she has finally "got with the program" she really just got tired of telling you what you should already know. Best believe she's now open to other interests.

  I've grown to understand that as men it's our duty not understand women but to understand her needs, usually it's not a long list and what one needs may not apply to the next. It never hurts to just ask, make a mental note then handle your business.  When you start looking at things like she's asking for too much you may just need to take a different perspective. Many times the best solution is not visible because our massive male pride and ego is in the way. No man wants to "Bow down" or be "whipped", guess what. That idiotic mentality will keep you solo and without a glass of water to put your straw (get it?). Us not wanting to look weak in front of our boys is one of the main reasons we miss out on great women in our lives.

Think back and I bet you regret a few choices made based on pride. I got more on my mind but that's it for now. Have a great day.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


When you do things only for praise and the recognition of others that alone will always be your reward, when you do good things simply because your good nature compels you to do so, you will be blessed because the positive energy you sent out has returned and multiplied.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

changed forever but not scarred

posted this in the "Exposing white truth" group on facebook, i'll also share it with you all, it's long so i'm sorry lol, i know folks don't like to read

My first experience with Racism was when i was about 9 or 10 and i was outside playing with my Friend Joey, he was your average White kid but growing up all my friends were of a different nationality and being that all of our parents where in the Military it was not uncommon. My best friend Brian was Mexican, Joey was Caucasian as i stated, Lea'an was Korean i think, Jason was Irish if i'm not mistaken. Anyways we called ourselves catch-Q , we all had code names and we spelled then out as acronyms where each letter had to have a meaning. My name is Sadiki (Shy-Dee-Key) and it stood for Super Awesome Dude in Kids incorporated (silly i know). Now that we have some background, rewind to the day when myself and  Joey were playing outside. He asked me if i wanted anything to drink and said that i could come into his house. His grandfather was there and i thought it would be cool to meet him, Joey said that he was cool but disabled so try not to stare at his legs in the wheel chair.
Here is where things get messed up, Upon walking into the house, Myself and Joey get something to drink and go into his room to play on his Dart board, i can here the sound of an Electric wheel chair coming down the hallway and then it stops. i turn to see this Old decrepit  shriveled man and i can FEEL something dark within him. Joey says "oh Shai this is my Grandfather" and before i could say hello..........."WHO LET THIS NIGGER IN THE HOUSE" are the first words i hear from this lost soul. I froze, i looked into his eyes unable to move, he stared back at me and for the first time i witnessed hate, true hate, malice and disdain, but for what? i had done nothing to him but stand in the same room. he ranted about me being in the house but the words he uttered first just kept playing in my head, i couldn't hear anything else, he yelled obscenities but nothing was clear to me. i was finally able to move after Joey grabbed me and pulled me out of the room, i couldn't even feel my feet move, i don't remember walking, i just remember my eyes being locked with The Old man as i drifted passed him. He stared me down as i went by, i could even feel him burning a hole in my head as i exited the front door.

I was empty.............................i didn't talk to Joey as i walked through the door, i couldn't hear anything but "Who let that nigger in the house" bounce around in my head. Sure i had seen movies with racially charged subjects in it but coming from such a diverse background, they were more like windows into a past i didn't think existed, i was somewhat sheltered growing up in that sense because my parents always  taught us to never hate another person, race relations and all that other stuff was never taught, we were shown to love others. As i walked home i began to feel overwhelmed with sadness because i could not understand why someone i never met hated me so much. i started to cry, then become filled with anger, then a rage i had never felt in life and i began to run home. i burst through the Door and i ran to my Father who to me at the time was a Giant, he was my Hero. Senior Master Sergeant Billy Givens still had on his camo green Uniform. i wrapped my arms around him and attempted to convey what had happened as i cried and shouted. he finally calmed me down "Baby what happened? slow down, what's the matter?" and as i caught my breath, i sobbed it out. i could see the anger in his face grow as well as the sadness in the fact that his oldest son had just had a bitter dose of reality shoved down his throat against his will and well before his time.

My Father put on his Hat and put his Steel Toed Boots back on, lacing this hurriedly and grabbed me by the hand saying "ok where is he?". i pointed towards Joey's apartment building and i tried my best to keep up with my fathers strides, i felt like i was being carried. we reached the door and i became filled with fear, i didn't know what my father was going to do or say, he knocked on the door with a fierceness that sounded off through the hot summer air. Joey opened the door and quickly moved to the right as my father barreled into the house. i looked at Joey and he knew what was about to happen.

My father walked straight over to the old man and lifted him out of the wheel chair and began screaming at him about what he had called me. i saw the feeble man be reduced to a whimpering pile of nothing as my father yelled "CALL ME A NIGGER, PLEASE DO IT, SAY IT NOW, HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO MY SON, SAY IT AGAIN, GIVE ME A REASON TO FINISH THE JOB!!" .............................silence filled the room and all you could hear was the old man breathing and gasping to apologize. the look in his eyes had changed, the power he had over me was no longer there and there was only the look of helplessness. I began to feel sorry for him, conflicted in thought i wanted to hate him and revel in the scene, i wanted to laugh and smile in his face..................but i couldn't, it felt wrong to do so, my heart wouldn't let me. i just turned around and walked out of the door. My Father talked to Joey but i didn't hear what was said, he later took me to get ice cream and he talked to me about racism and how it was worse when he was growing up in Mississippi, at the time, i still didn't understand it all. I never talked to Joey again, we would see each other at school but things just didn't feel the same. That was my first time hearing the word "Nigger" in person and seeing what hatred looked like. forever changed but not scarred.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Karma and negativity

If all you do it screw people over, use them for your selfish needs, play people for bragging rights, create enemies by your crooked ways and discard them when you are finished then guess what......all the negative energy you put out there will eventually come back to you and everyone you have ever crossed will think low of you based on your actions. People are not stupid and usually Manipulating them doesn't go well. If you end up being targeted then it's not hate because you have to be someone to be hated on first. It's your fault and you must check yourself and your inner demons. We all have to take a look in the mirror at some point in life. Placing blame on others for your consistent mistakes in life is a sign of weakness and an underdeveloped person.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A prisoner no more

the mentality we have to get passed is "I can't because I'm _________". as long as we associate a color with being negative or more positive we continue to limit our own possibilities. We all know that the world we live in has a structure not designed for most but then again, that in itself is not the final word. We must continue and strive for changes that benefit all and not just the few. Saying.... "I can't do this or reach that because I'm black or they won't let me make it that far because I'm black, white, purple or green is a self defeating action towards self. As a man I vow to never give up and/or limit my progress or Destiny as a result of something so minuscule as color. The greatest prison any man can be held captive in is his OWN mind. The strongest prison ever built holds BILLIONS and yet has no bars, walls or even was built long ago and each person has the key but we are so afraid to simply use it.

I hate race

WE as humans gave power to race and discrimination, WE have oppressed each other based on the color of our skin and WE have also done it to ourselves as black men and women as well, self hate and even the light skin vs dark skin issue can be brought up. Every nationality has some level of this and it's time we take action to healing. Giving an identify based on the amount of melanin in your skin is retarded. We are simply who we are and to limit your world view based on what you identity with is self destructive in nature. It's like a bird clipping it's own wings. Sure we have a rich culture that is vast and historical and yet we have an entire world at our feet we can discover as well as change for the better. I say reach to the past for knowledge and look to the future with wisdom but cherish the present because we are the masters of our own Destiny. We have no limits on what we as HUMANS can do or accomplish, you should refuse to set boundaries on who you are based on "race" or who can become as a person. Don't fall into mindsets that are counterproductive in your development, it'll take open minded people with Love for their fellow man REGARDLESS of color, nationality or any other category to change the future. We must stop giving power to our self oppression.  HEAL !!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

beat that ass

imagine who you would be if we didn't get our butt beat back then. Our parents kept us in check, we would be dead, in jail or have kids running around like every other statistic out there. I'm so glad they were hard on us and gave a damn enough to get on us when we needed it.

The parents that try to be their kids friends are the ones that end up visiting them in prison and baby sitting the ratchet grand kids on club night. There are consequences to every action as a kid and when you do bad or don't mind your elders we got our tail beat. The entire neighborhood had permission to break their foot off in our ass. We need more of that these days. Too many whining folks crying over bad kids getting what they deserve.

It truly does take a village to raise a child but now these days the whole village is messed up. So many fatherless children, young men never becoming grown men and too many young women taking the whore route because their mothers lack parental skills too. It's all bad. I think a fair balance of the different styles of parenting is needed and a CLEAR line has to be drawn letting kids know who is the authority.

Things are crazy these days. And folks wonder why so many school shootings happen and suicides. Kids are so babied and pussified these days. We grew up where if you got into it with a bully at school back then you fight until that bastard learns to leave you alone. We grew up when "time out" didn't exist, Dr Phil was still in College and Maury wasn't doing paternity tests on TV to entertain idiots. Back when getting kicked in the chest was an appropriate response to talking back to your parents and "imma give you something to cry for" was a translation for "I took it easy on you, shut up". Now you can catch a charge just for raising your kids the way you see fit, allowing these "experts" to guide you in how you raise your kids yet they DO NOT live in your household, what applies to one kid does not work for the next. i'm a fan of the Old School.......beat that ass

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Freedom from Failure

There is no destiny that you do not take part in creating, LIFE is what you make of it. If all you experience is hurt pain and misery and you choose to dwell within the confined bars of your mental jail cell then that CAN and WILL BE your reality. Hitting the figurative "rock bottom" is NOT your final destination, unless you allow it to become your reality. Just remember, when you hit the bottom there is only one direction left and that is UP. You CAN change your reality, you CAN break the bars of your captivity within your heart, soul and mind. YOU can be your worst enemy and until YOU realize that, you may never be free. Let go of bad memories, failures, set backs and everything that places fear within you to not succeed. Failure in your endeavors are only test runs before success. There is always a lesson to be learned in every experience, whether you choose to accept it is up to you. Find Freedom within yourself because Failure is not final, it's only a first step to success.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Females in the thoughts

I think that a woman in the Military can do whatever she sets her mind to, only because i have seen it with my own eyes during my 13 year military career. Once i was a young Corporal leading a convoy and we had to escort a Female Army Sergeant and her soldiers to another location, then continue on to our mission elsewhere in Iraq, we were attacked and one of her soldiers was shot in the neck by a sniper, she died instantly and we had to stop the convoy and return fire. The Marines i served with and the Army soldiers that were with us male and female held there own, we managed to fight off the assault, kill a handful of the enemy and get out of there with minor wounded and 1 dead. the thing is, once you get into a situation like that, and the bullets start flying passed your head, the gender of the person next to you becomes a non issue. you just know that that person has your back, they are your lifeline and you are theirs.

 People say that women will be a big distraction but believe me, nothing is a bigger distraction than a 7.62 mm round shot from an AK 47 lol. the reality is that their are women in combat Jobs already, there are female special teams out there in the Army right now doing patrols, security and various duties, Marine martial arts instructors even in construction like the Navy Sea Bees. any Job you choose in the military can become a potential combat MOS, why? because all military members are trained as a Rifleman and soldier as their base function. the question has never really been can women do the job in the Armed Forces that a man can do. The answer to that is that they already are. the real question is when will the rest of America accept it. -----salute to my female military members

Friday, January 25, 2013

Grown man behavior 101

I have never asked for a woman's number, i feel like if it's meant for me to have it and she is feeling me, after or during our conversation she will offer to communicate more (opening a chance to gain the number) or she will just offer it straight out, then that way i have never had to wonder if she was actually interested in me or she was just being nice without the intent to follow up. just my logic though. there shouldn't be any reason to rush, you gotta understand that she most likely gets asked for her number all the time and one thing you don't want to do is fall into a category with the rest of the knuckle heads she encounters. your job is to stand out, so why hit her with game and lines when everyone else already does? Actually being yourself can usually do that for you, now guess what, you have a base line of who you are established, you don't have to hide who you are because she has seen it already AND most of all, you don't have to lie. no point in hounding her when you got time to actually develop a relationship/friendship over time, also, most people just go off looks initially so the interest is only physical and after you get a number TOO fast then find out on the phone you picked a pretty idiot, then what lol. waste of time lol, then there are the guys who waste a woman's time with game in the beginning then they fall off later and she thinks he changed, in reality he just got comfortable and started being himself.

 that first impression will stay with her and to her you are a genuine guy compared to whatever else she has met. now there are some women who are just attracted to the idiots and the "real niggas"......that can't be helped, you have two choices now if you meet one of these women, you can (A) try to show her that a Grown man is better than a "real nigga" or (B) you can run like hell because it may be a lost cause lol. now if you didn't get her number the first time meeting, don't worry. if you carried yourself well and she has the sense to differentiate between a man who respects boundaries and has patience for things worth waiting for, the next time you meet your first impression has been on her mind since that day maybe. she's thought about it and most likely will be eager for the second encounter, just continue to be yourself and see what happens, no need for fake charm if you don't already possess that trait........sorry bro, can't help you there.

 if all goes well, things should progress naturally and get the picture. REMEMBER she is not an object to gain possession of, she is a person. (this has been PSA titled "Grown man behavior 101" ---disclaimer, if any of my exes read this, i may not have been like this back then but i've learned a lot over the years, High school Shai doesn't count and college Shai, let's not even bring him into this lol)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Dead beat Dads

PSA for Dead Beat Fathers everywhere: .......I hate you sorry sons of bitches, you make me sick to my stomach you low life bastards. Now that I got that out of the way. Sit down let me talk to you punk muthafu**as. It's tax season, so NOW you want to get along with your children's mother? You want to see the kids and even buy Christmas presents but ALL YEAR where were you when school clothes needed to be purchased, field trips needed to be financed, food needed to be bought so they could eat another day? So on and so on. You mean to tell me YOU have the audacity to want to claim a child on your taxes which YOU barely acknowledged all year? You want to get extra money claiming a dependent that actually depended on their MOTHER or another man instead of you? And YOU really think that's cool? You gave NOTHING in the realm of fatherhood whether it be TIME, MONEY, ENERGY, WISDOM, ADVICE, BEING A ROLE MODEL, TEACHER, MENTOR, LOVE, AFFECTION, NOTHING, yet you feel  you are obligated to reap the benefits of carrying a child on your taxes in which you will most likely spend on yourself or some whore you are with now?  What bundle of brain cells  deemed this retarded logic as a legit train of thought? You are the lowest of the low and deserve NOTHING in return for your lack of manhood and even less for your poor display of responsibility. Your life is worthless, YOU are worthless and the ONLY thing you ever did right in this world is help create a wonderful child. If this offended any men out there who make excuses for not taking care of their child, GOOD!! Raising Your child is not a job, it is your DUTY as a man and father. YOU are responsible for their future. Salute to any man who can step in and take care of a child who is not biologically theirs and salute to single mothers, I know it's hard.