Thursday, May 31, 2012

love without restraint

Shai Logic 101----Love without restraint---- how many people do it?? well......apparently the people that are still in successful relationships, the thing is you must be WILLING to do it, so many people get caught up in what i call that "poker hand" love where they have an attitude that they will not show anything to contribute to the relationship unless the other person shows first (show me your cards and i'll show you mine) and to  me that is absolute bullshit and when the relationship dies then i have no sympathy because both involved were so pig headed that they never made active steps to give it a chance and nurture it, too busy trying to protect themselves and not taking the time to love each other.


Shai Logic 101 ----focus more on LISTENING more to your partner and UNDERSTANDING their point of view more than trying to out talk them just to get your point across, in reality when the both of you are more focused on getting your points across then you both are not listening to each other. think of it like a CB Radio, you push the button to talk right? well if you are both pushing the button, guess what, nothing is getting through to the other person. it's all about give and take, you GIVE your thoughts and express your feelings about something and they TAKE that information in and process it, then they GIVE you their thoughts and express what they feel and you TAKE that info in, simple concept and the word is Communication. Now lets talk about Reciprocity, simple definition:  mutual exchange , this can be used in many different aspects of the relationship when you think of it, it's much easier to be mutually considerate of the others feelings wants and needs and work together to fulfill those wants and needs in a healthy manner. you cannot sustain a healthy relationship if only one party is willing to do all the work and the other just acts as a sponge or remains negative, this breeds resentment and that can be a powerful deal breaker and become very ugly. most things in life are all about balance.

Friday, May 25, 2012


In a relationship if you fight more than anything just take a step back and realize that you are supposed to be each others PEACE in this world, of course there will be disagreements from time to time but when you stick to that base idea of PEACE then you can make progress. You can help each other get a better understanding if you focus more on LISTENING to one another instead of focusing on getting your point across, it takes effort on both parts and the end result if done right can be very rewarding.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Why judge?

If you say you're not judgmental before making a statement about another type of person who may be a free spirit or may not have the same morals as you, doesn't that also make you exactly what you just said you were not. Its just like saying "hey I don't mean any disrespect but....." right before you say something totally disrespectful lol. Just a thought, I'd rather be a free spirit than to judge another for their life while attempting to appear better than others. In all actuality no one is better than another. And to be judgmental of others is a sure sign of undiscovered insecurities in ones self. Live your life and let others live theirs,  if you don't like something,  just tune your sensitive ass out, this world is so much more and if you fear anything outside your personal world, you are limiting yourself. Open your eyes and LIVE.  IMO..... I think this is where I insert the word "POW"

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Lets just talk

Communication is key, Communication is vital, Communication is important, Communication is needed, Communication is a must, Communication is trust in your partner and their ability to understand your needs and accommodate you so that you have no need to seek communication from another, if you cannot talk or communicate your feelings, desires, needs, wants and anything in between with your significant may need to let the sound of your foot steps walking away do the communicating for you. Your partner should always be your "peace" in this world and vice versa, sure you will have disagreements but if you are in constant combat with them more than anything,  this is a sign that you two communicate the need to be apart very well and just haven't got the memo. I know you may care for them but sometimes things just are not meant to be. You can't force a square peg into a round hole, and you can't MAKE something work that just wont. Hope I communicated that message loud and clear. Peace everyone

Friday, May 4, 2012

Reality vs dreams

I've been able to have Lucid dreams ever since I was a kid. A Lucid dream is when you can realize you are dreaming and consciously control your thoughts and actions while inside your dream. I could fly at will and have powers like a super hero, I could do anything. But when I awoke the dream ended and I was just regular me again. Well guess what, I later realized that I have the power to make my dreams a reality, yeah I'll never fly through the air like Superman or jump tall buildings in a single bound but I can make realistic goals and make them attainable. We can all achieve our dreams little by little through hard work and determination. If a man can imagine it with his mind he can create it with his hands. Make your reality into the stuff dreams are made of.