Monday, December 31, 2012

my thoughts on Django

 Satirical in nature but it does contain some mirror images of a few mindsets that some African Americans have today. For the most part, I don't think many folks got what they expected from the movie and just laughed at the idiotic parts without looking into much. Truth is, many of the gruesome things that occurred in the movie actually occurred to our ancestors, although we were mostly spoonfed the watered down versions in school in the form of a short section in the history book that glazed over it. Was it a western? In a sense, was the plot super complicated? Not at all, was it a slave "payback" movie? Ahhhh.....not really, it was at best, a mixed bag of truths thinly hidden with a comical overlay and cheesy plot with a happy ending. It is what it is, call it the new millennium blacksploitation film. And I must count how many times the word "nigger, nigga and nigguhs" was used next time I watch it. The young adults who were in the theater laughed like there was no tomorrow, obviously un-phased by anything and easily entertained. The people in my age range sat in silence during the more serious parts (the killing of one slave in a rather brutal way) because we know those sorts of things actually happened back then. And the much older folks also sat in complete stillness, some even left. So what I gathered from this observation is that there is an important need for our TRUE history to be uncovered, and past down through the generations. It is becoming diluted and is continuously covered by the lies and systematic "wool over the eyes" tactics in a sense. Spike Lee may not agree with the movie but then again I ask, what is he doing in his position to change the portrayal of us as opposed to his previous work. I hope if anything a spark is lit in some young viewers and they are compelled to look deeper into their own past. the movie is a necessary evil in my opinion. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

State of Hip Hop as i see it

these days talent has nothing to do with Hip Hop, ever since Hip Hop met the industry side of the business, it began to die, young artists were and still are being exploited and the reality of it is it's no longer social commentary but rather dreams and false imagery being sold to appeal to the masses in the pursuit of the all mighty dollar. the pawns (artists) are disposable. Present day Hip Hop is no longer a major outlet for artists and they are now faced with the decision of whether they want to stay true to their Love of the music and virtually not make a living or conform to the industry formula and in essence sell their soul for fame. as far as Jay and Nas go, Nas is one of my favorite Artists. he is a better lyricist in my opinion but Jay is a better business man but both are Legends in their own right. nuff said. as far as freestyles go, their are very few that still exist that can truly freestyle, then again, we just have never seen them, there are plenty of unsigned artists that i am sure can destroy any one of our favorites, hell i know a few here. problem is now, record companies are signing the Chief keef's and trinidad james type artists, no substance or skills present whatsoever. anything that actually makes you think to get a metaphor or punch line, usually doesn't make it far. i see a true revolution coming where independent artists and even the artists that are bound by contracts will break free and begin a new movement taking back what was started so long ago. Hip Hop is not dead, just in Hibernation. #BLKsunday

Unity is Possible

you know what killed chivalry ladies? your hoodrat "i don't need a man" "ewww he so thirtsy" "he too nice" "i'm independent" "he gave me a compliment because he just wanna fuck" type females.........more of of us men WOULD show chivalry if SOME of you would allow us to without thinking we have other motives. AND the fact that many of YOU yes YOU would rather have a "thug" type rather than an intelligent brother with actual goals aside from the new J's is just a death sentence in itself. sorry i had to weigh in a bit on this one. notice i said "SOME" ladies before you jump down my throat, just agree with me here and everything will go smoothly. and i want to add, guess what, destroyed the image of the black man in the eyes of the black woman, the systematic destruction of the Black man's ability to actually BE a man and the head of a household but not by ourselves. we are in a time where the Black man is becoming aware that we NEED to retake our position but we also NEED your help ladies. you want a black man that listens? well stop choosing the REAL NIGGAS over the GROWN MEN. you want a man to take charge and LEAD, then learn how to FOLLOW. LEARN the true meaning and STRENGTH in the word "submissive" and stop screaming "i'm independent" but secretly wanting a man to take care of you, here is a secret, you should NEVER be in a Penis measuring contest with your man....... let him be the man and encourage him, be supportive and NURTURE his growth and it will be done in return, if he has to waste his time fighting with you, does that do anything but hinder his forward progress? if you two are not moving in the same direction, you are slowly taking each other down. Place two Oxen together and place a harness on their necks, watch how they act. as long as the both of them attempt a separate path they will make no forward progress, before long they will become weak and eventually die, get the idea? -------i can go all day with this but moral of the story is, the black man and black woman must learn to Love one another and break free of the psychological chains that bind us and have seemingly put us against each other. we are not each others enemies. until we see it on a large scale, progress, mental freedom and UNITY can not be attained.

New year new me.....shut up

OK so now is the time of year when SOME  chics start screaming "new year new me"......let me stop you misguided heffas RIGHT THERE lol. First off, why are you waiting until now to become a "new me"? You were lazy all year until now?  secondly, where you not just screaming the SAME thing last year around the same time? Soooooo the old you was messed up, the new you from 2012 was STILL messed up and now you want to try again? Get a clue babe, reinvention is not your strong point lol. Here is a push in the right direction..... BE YOURSELF!! Stop trying to be any "new you" and just be who you are. Self improvement is great but you are not and will never be perfect, be at peace with the "you" that you are and present HER to the world, you may be surprised at the positive response you get. It's OK to actually like who you are. Try it.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

drinking and thinking

Tipsy thoughts: in this life we are born into an existence that is not determined by anything but our free will, choices, and the experiences that we shall go through. we typically change as a result of or adapt to as we grow. everything we go through and every person we meet has an effect on us whether we want to admit it or not. now think of this, we are constantly changing and evolving beings, who you are today is not the same person you will be tomorrow as a direct result of prior stated experiences and people met. we pick up traits based on things we see from others at times, we are constantly taking in information and learning, sometimes on an unconscious level and those things have effects on our development as people. some of us are prisoners within our own minds and don't realize that anything is possible if we become aware of the shackles that we sometimes place on ourselves. nothing is out of reach from you if you truly have the desire and drive to attain it. free yourselves.

Friday, November 30, 2012

My Nerd DNA

Star wars is my all time favorite, even have "Jedi" on my old Marine Dog tags, I've been a fan ever since my father took me to see it on Scott AFB and a real R2D2 rolled up and down the rows during the movie, my kid brain was officially BLOWN!! however, my dad also sat me down to watch Star trek with him on afternoons after my homework was done and again, I was utterly fascinated, Spock was the freaking coolest......then there was the time my mother FORCED me to read "the Hobbit" over the summer for a book report we had to submit to her.....I was furious, how DARE she take my Nintendo time away with....a BOOK!!...And after getting into it, I LOVED IT, next I was at the library looking for the other stories!! So I can't choose one, my Geekazoid DNA is infused with them all. I won't get into my love for Anime but you get it. These are all staples of the Nerd Universal space time continuum.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Be the blessing

You get from life whatever you put into it, be kind to others and respect those who do so to you. surround yourself with positive people who possess the traits of loyalty, honesty and humility and see how your life gains a quality you never thought possible. Blessings come in all forms, not just material. Think about how sometimes at your lowest point, someone says just the right thing to lift you up. At those times the right person may be there with an unexpected helping hand or encourage you to not give up. Now, think of this, sometimes a person you may or may not know may hit a low point, you should be there for them as well, in doing so, you give back and become a vessel of blessing to them. Just see how good it will make you feel just to help someone. It's good for your spirit, try it.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


On this day I remember all of my brothers and sisters in arms that have lost their lives in the name of freedom. Serving our country was a choice, not mandatory so in other words, we choose to give our lives so that innocent civilians never have to. We are not perfect, we are not machines, we are simply everyday men and women with families just like anyone else. We chose to fight and we gladly will give our lives so you can hopefully keep on living. Thank you for allowing us, to serve you the people and our country. Semper Fidelis, always faithful.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

full circle

everything in life has a way of returning full circle, what you put out into the universe shall always and forever come back to you. karma works both ways, negative and positive energy within our actions, words and treatment of others multiply and return to us. it is our choice to try to be the best person that we can or not. as a man i try my best to be loyal and true to the ones around me as well as the ones i love and care for, to this day anytime i need anything, i can just call any one of my friends that i have helped in my lifetime. when i die, i want people to remember that i was a good person and a man of integrity despite my many flaws.

Monday, October 22, 2012

we are masters

In my opinion the term "i'm a product of my environment" is a cop out because in all actuality, we are the masters of our own destiny, not many would agree but in my mind, i think we have the power to change whatever we want in our lives. on many occasions we have seen, figuratively speaking, a rose grow from concrete, in a more literal sense we have seen people who came from "nothing" become more than what they were expected to be. on the same token we have seen people who had everything handed to them fall from grace and become just the opposite of what they where expected to be.

 in life we are given trials to test us and at times our choices lead us to crossroads in which we fail to choose the proper path. we make bad decisions everyday but it's what we do with the lessons learned that determine future short term destiny points which later accumulate into a final climax of a lifespan. in other words, we reach a point where we can look back and see what we did right or wrong. along the road we can look back at past choices and use the knowledge gained to proceed further but how many of us do that?

we can argue the point all day but the bottom line is, when you know better you do better. it sounds easy right, then again some choose to ignore what they know is right and continue  along a destructive path. ignorance is bliss but when you know better and choose the lower road instead, in essence you become a participant of your environment instead. so the question is now, are you a product of your environment or a participant? remember there is always a choice. WE are the masters of our own destiny, we ARE the masters of our own destiny, we are the MASTERS of our own destiny.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Self accountability

If my words make you feel some type of way where you hate to see me post......easy solution..... change your tampon lol. But for real, you can not allow words to effect you in such a way, if they do, that means they are speaking to something within you that you have yet to resolve. We can all change but it all starts with you. the inner battle is inside us all, whether we choose to let things fester or we choose to take action is a matter of personal choice. When you take something that someone says as a personal attack on you, that's an indication that you may need to get your shit together. Getting pissed only makes anything said look true. Just saying.

Monday, September 24, 2012

you CAN succeed

Erase negative energy from your lives, many times we get caught up in the "what ifs" of life and keep ourselves from achieving our goals because we fear failure and that fear alone is enough to discourage us from even trying with all our effort and in essence defeating yourself. there is however a good side to failure, you can learn valuable lessons in it and guess can try again until you succeed, just remember to take notes before attempting again (so you don't look stupid lol). Remember the human mind is a powerful thing, if you believe something to be true, you can bring it into your reality, you must not allow yourself you defeat yourself, we can be our own worst enemies. stay positive and BELIEVE that you can succeed at anything, perception is reality, that means whatever we PERCEIVE to be real in our mind IS real in our lives to us. get out of your own way and start enjoying life the way it is meant to be enjoyed, blessings are waiting.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

You are worthy

Ever see a woman that could literally have any man she wants but instead constantly picks the bottom of the barrel loser men? You know the kind, the career dope boy with a %99.7 certain future of frequent jail time or the woman beater and the ever popular "no job baby momma drama stay in HER house while she works" guy. I just think "why are they so stuck on these men who are only called men because they have a penis then complain that "all men ain't shit" and say things on Facebook like "i need a good man"? I figured out a long time ago, some females just don't know what a "good man" is, or how they should be treated, they may have a list of things that they want in a mate but instead of demanding that from a man they often accept the loser in hopes of changing him, attention, he's a good actor or any other reason you can think of. they are so emotionally and mentally beat down that they may not recognize a good man if he simply walked up and said hello. Since many of the women in this topic have usually been screwed over many times the tend to raise their guard and keep it up after each encounter, not knowing that they are hindering their healing process and possibly missing out on the good ones because they get lumped in with every other guy after she gets hurt. Ladies the good guys understand, and that's cool but trust me, its not our job to heal your heart, you must accomplish that alone so you can appreciate a good person and come into new relationships without emotional baggage, its only fair to you both. you gotta realize we are not all the same and you CAN get the man you want once you stop allowing garbage into your life. You deserve better.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

team work

So after Michelle Obama gave an amazing speech last night, i gotta say this, LADIES STEP YOUR GAME UP!!! that is what i call support and having your man's back!!! when you see a man really working hard you need to be there for him he NEEDS to know that you are in his corner no matter what, not just when things are going good but even in the bad times. A man has to fight every day in this world (especially a black man) and when it seems like the world is against him, the LAST thing he needs is the person that he loves nit picking at him as well, what i saw last night was the embodiment of a REAL GROWN WOMAN, she just set the bar so high for the barbies and 5 star chics (i detest you all by the way), i bet Barack waxed that ass when she hit the drive way lol. but seriously, what i see in them is true relationship team work. That is just how it should be, we can get far alone but with a GREAT partner you can go the distance. not here to bash women or talk politics at all, just to say, when you have a good man ladies, treat them as such and fellas, when you have a good woman, do the same. Unify and conquer anything in your way, TOGETHER.

Friday, August 31, 2012


I am not perfect, nor have i ever claimed to be, as a matter of fact, i do not want to be perfect, i like my flaws because they set me apart from others, i love the mistakes i have made because they they are also lessons learned that i can grow from, i embrace my failures because they can be looked at as obstacles i have yet to overcome. i am thankful for all failed relationships as well because i
 learn a little each time with the do's and don't's when it comes to women, i am not a guru because i still have a lot to learn and have many different paths to take, choices to make and blessings to gain through my actions. at times i can be harsh and seem like a mean person but to many of my friends they know i mean well, i have been there for so many people, if i have it to give then i will and my friends and family knows that, they know that i rarely ever say no when they need me. lots of people owe me money and i never hound them for repayment because i know that if they asked for it, they really needed it, i have let others stay at my place free of charge when they needed it and never asked for a dime, i have stayed up late on the phone or even in person to give a friend encouraging words. i try my best to be a good person and only want to be a vessel of blessing to anyone in my life. anyone who knows me personally can speak on my character.

check first

before fucking anyone you need to do a background check, if the word gets out it is just as much your fault as it is theirs, why? because you should have did your research instead of thinking about busting a nut more. now when it comes to social networks, if you blast off in a rage over the news getting out, you just put yourself on front street with the temper tantrum, now anyone who didn't know a thing NOW knows and can go digging, YOU DRY SNITCHING ON YOURSELF what?.....try shutting up, and don't feed the dry lurkers, remember some folks don't have shit to do BUT talk, your best bet is to not say anything and let it blow over. also if you are in a situation, don't pop up pissed if shit gets back to them, YOU could have prevented all of it, your boys/girls don't have to know ALL your business. half the stuff you tell them, they telling someone else. class is in session bitches.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Poker love leads to failure

folks we gotta stop with the poker love syndrome, i can't stand to hear a person say "well what are you bringing to the table" or "if they treat me right, i will do right"......what kind of Love are we seeking? how can you expect unconditional love from another when YOU are not willing to give it until YOU get it first? is that even right? Love is not a poker game, waiting for the right moment to show your hand, you have life backwards and will CONTINUE to meet relationship failures if you stay on that thought pattern. RECIPROCITY is key!! for the slow learners here, i'll save you the time googling, the basic meaning is MUTUALLY giving at the same time. (i can't help you if you don't know what mutually means though lol)

50/50 is not enough

for a long time i thought a "50/50" love was what i wanted but i continued to meet disappointment and failure, something was missing and i didn't know what it was. i sat down and finally understood that i can't possibly achieve anything successful in life only giving half my effort so why should i only give half in a relationship? you never see a runner win a race only putting out 50%, you will never get to your destination driving 50% of the way, so why is it in relationships we want to have a  full blown 100% success rate but only giving 50% from each person? it doesn't add up. in life we cannot expect to invest half our effort and get a 100% return, it doesn't make sense. if you are in a relationship and you are both only giving 50% or "meeting in the middle" guess what, you are both bullshitting and will never gain full happiness. you cannot stop yourself from getting hurt by unworthy people you cross in life but even in failure at least you can say you gave your all, that eliminates the "was it me" question in the end. just my 2 cents

Monday, June 25, 2012

Love them for who they are

If you cannot love the one you're with for who they are why try to change them into who you want? I find many people say "they could be so much more" or "I saw potential" maybe try letting them see that potential and being supportive rather than arguing about why they are not what you want them to be at that moment. You are never held hostage, you are always free to go, wait but you love them? Or do you love the idea of who they can become? The more time you spend complaining to them, the more resentment grows and guess what, YOU yes YOU become more of the reason they never change than anything else. Why? Because you are slowing them down and becoming a road block in their life's journey instead of an enhancement to the chapters in their life.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

love without restraint

Shai Logic 101----Love without restraint---- how many people do it?? well......apparently the people that are still in successful relationships, the thing is you must be WILLING to do it, so many people get caught up in what i call that "poker hand" love where they have an attitude that they will not show anything to contribute to the relationship unless the other person shows first (show me your cards and i'll show you mine) and to  me that is absolute bullshit and when the relationship dies then i have no sympathy because both involved were so pig headed that they never made active steps to give it a chance and nurture it, too busy trying to protect themselves and not taking the time to love each other.


Shai Logic 101 ----focus more on LISTENING more to your partner and UNDERSTANDING their point of view more than trying to out talk them just to get your point across, in reality when the both of you are more focused on getting your points across then you both are not listening to each other. think of it like a CB Radio, you push the button to talk right? well if you are both pushing the button, guess what, nothing is getting through to the other person. it's all about give and take, you GIVE your thoughts and express your feelings about something and they TAKE that information in and process it, then they GIVE you their thoughts and express what they feel and you TAKE that info in, simple concept and the word is Communication. Now lets talk about Reciprocity, simple definition:  mutual exchange , this can be used in many different aspects of the relationship when you think of it, it's much easier to be mutually considerate of the others feelings wants and needs and work together to fulfill those wants and needs in a healthy manner. you cannot sustain a healthy relationship if only one party is willing to do all the work and the other just acts as a sponge or remains negative, this breeds resentment and that can be a powerful deal breaker and become very ugly. most things in life are all about balance.

Friday, May 25, 2012


In a relationship if you fight more than anything just take a step back and realize that you are supposed to be each others PEACE in this world, of course there will be disagreements from time to time but when you stick to that base idea of PEACE then you can make progress. You can help each other get a better understanding if you focus more on LISTENING to one another instead of focusing on getting your point across, it takes effort on both parts and the end result if done right can be very rewarding.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Why judge?

If you say you're not judgmental before making a statement about another type of person who may be a free spirit or may not have the same morals as you, doesn't that also make you exactly what you just said you were not. Its just like saying "hey I don't mean any disrespect but....." right before you say something totally disrespectful lol. Just a thought, I'd rather be a free spirit than to judge another for their life while attempting to appear better than others. In all actuality no one is better than another. And to be judgmental of others is a sure sign of undiscovered insecurities in ones self. Live your life and let others live theirs,  if you don't like something,  just tune your sensitive ass out, this world is so much more and if you fear anything outside your personal world, you are limiting yourself. Open your eyes and LIVE.  IMO..... I think this is where I insert the word "POW"

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Lets just talk

Communication is key, Communication is vital, Communication is important, Communication is needed, Communication is a must, Communication is trust in your partner and their ability to understand your needs and accommodate you so that you have no need to seek communication from another, if you cannot talk or communicate your feelings, desires, needs, wants and anything in between with your significant may need to let the sound of your foot steps walking away do the communicating for you. Your partner should always be your "peace" in this world and vice versa, sure you will have disagreements but if you are in constant combat with them more than anything,  this is a sign that you two communicate the need to be apart very well and just haven't got the memo. I know you may care for them but sometimes things just are not meant to be. You can't force a square peg into a round hole, and you can't MAKE something work that just wont. Hope I communicated that message loud and clear. Peace everyone

Friday, May 4, 2012

Reality vs dreams

I've been able to have Lucid dreams ever since I was a kid. A Lucid dream is when you can realize you are dreaming and consciously control your thoughts and actions while inside your dream. I could fly at will and have powers like a super hero, I could do anything. But when I awoke the dream ended and I was just regular me again. Well guess what, I later realized that I have the power to make my dreams a reality, yeah I'll never fly through the air like Superman or jump tall buildings in a single bound but I can make realistic goals and make them attainable. We can all achieve our dreams little by little through hard work and determination. If a man can imagine it with his mind he can create it with his hands. Make your reality into the stuff dreams are made of.

Saturday, April 28, 2012


A few months ago I talked about a homeless Marine vet that I met outside a Walgreens one night and how we shared war stories and how I watched him dig through the trash for food and pray over left overs someone had tossed away, it was almost a full meal. His spirit and resilience was so strong that I was in awe in the mans presence because these days BLESSED people with the luxury of a home, steady income and more than a weeks worth of clothes still feel the need to complain over what they do not have. I was so touched by this Old Marines strength that I reached into my pocket and gave him all the money I had, I gave him old jackets and USMC sweats that had been in my trunk for years so he could be warm. I gave him the food I had just purchased from the bar and after receiving it he literally dropped to his knees and started praying, crying and thanking God. I tried to give him my beyonet (military knife that can be fitted onto your rifle in close quarter combat) but he refused it, hey said "no Devil Dog, I won't take your teeth away, ooo rah I'm just thankful for the food, just don't forget me brother". -----I just saw him again crossing the underpass by the carmax. He had his rucksack and my old jacket and sweats rolled up on top of his bag still. Right then I was compelled to go get him some food and talk again. I went and got breakfast and came back but he was gone, so I searched and found him. As soon as I let down my window he remembered me and said "HEY YOUNG DEVIL DOG HOW ARE YOU?" I reached down and gave him the food I bought, the smile on his face and the light in his eyes lit up. Everyone else in their cars were just ignoring him before then, like he was just a burden to be avoided. They had no idea that he had fought in one of America's bloodiest wars before VA benefits  or even post traumatic stress disorder had been established or recognized. I told him I had to go but I had to be a vessel of blessing for a friend. We gripped hands and he just smiled with his long white beard and said "I thank you brother, I really do". I began to drive off and got filled with such an overwhelming feeling of happiness because I know that man is a brother to me for life, and if things were switched that he would do the same for me. God puts us right where we need to be at the precise moment we need to be there. I realize that I am built to be a vessel of blessing to others, all my life that is what I have reluctantly been, I use to hate having to help someone everytime my phone rang but now I see that its what I am made for. It always comes back to me 10 times better. So I accept it. Help someone today folks, its worth it. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Whats REALLY sexy to us grown men know one thing that's REALLY sexy to a grown man? Not the way you wear your 6 inch heels, your great fashion sense or even your exotic hair adventures. This is one thing that will AMAZE us and really set the bar high for any other woman that dares look at your man. I know some of you are thinking "shai just spit it out already, the suspense is killing us". OK I'll tell you.


That's right, a woman with a clean house is SUCH a turn on. Why? Because after seeing bathroom models with dirty mirrors in horrible looking bathrooms and piles of dirty clothes in the background while some chics pose looking all fly but failing to throw away the used Pampers in the waste basket......a clean house REALLY stands out LOL. 

Now I know not every woman does this so don't get your panties in a bunch LOL. I dated a woman once and I swear her house always smelled like dirty diapers and old hamburgers  (I CANT MAKE THIS STUFF UP FOLKS). Then the kitchen was always filled with dirty dishes, she couldn't cook so we always ate out, and the bed room.......*having traumatic flashback* ......I swear you had to climb over clothes just to get to the bed, needless to say it looked like Katrina hit that place but if you saw her out in public she looked like a mix between Evelyn Lozonda and Paula Patton and dressed "ready for the runway fresh" (yeah I have great taste as far as looks goes......too bad she was nastier than a cockroach that survived nuclear fall out). Moral of the story here, it takes more than looks to get and keep a grown man Ladies (before you say a word, shut up I know there are some guys out there who have dirty houses too, just sit down I got this LOL).

  You can't only focus on your appearance and neglet everything else, a man that only wants you for your looks alone will sniff after anything in a tight skirt, get a Guy who is appreciative of all aspects of your being. My uncle told me Beauty fades. So if looks is all you have to offer then you can only milk that for so long and a bad attitude and spirit can make even the prettiest face look ugly. Balance yourself and your life will follow suit.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Soulmate logic

when you "grow old together" if you ever find that person, "looks" become irrelevant because the love (if it's true) has transcended that part of human nature, we are all just spirits inhabiting flesh and bone vessels , think about it, why would any of us look for a "soul mate" if the body was a factor in the end? folks love has no color, weight or eyes, it is unbiased to those who are truly open to it without a filter of physical traits one must possess before being allowed into our presence. love IS blind.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Nurturing real love

Nurturing REAL Love ----many times in the arena of "dating" we find ourselves bogged down with "what ifs" and questions if someones words are genuine when dealing with emotional situations,  that is totally natural but beware of over thinking your way into storm of doubt. Remember none of us were given instructions on how to be the perfect mate, many factors come into the picture on this subject. 

Some folks have never observed what Love looks or feels like so its easy to get confused, it can also be VERY unnerving and scary. Never try to force love or "make it work" that's like trying to put a square peg into a round hole and most likely end in disappointment , true love comes naturally and without effort you just have to be patient and let it grow within you and when dealing with another person you have to nurture it like a seedling so that strong roots develop and create an unbreakable bond between the two of you. In a world of "overnight love" and "fast flings" its easy to mistake lust for love, just take the time to search your metaphorical heart for the truth, don't be in such a rush, the journey is just as fulfilling as the destination.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Women thinking like men

This is a re-post of my opinion of the "think like a man" movement.  Adding some more thoughts as well.

Thinking like a man and being a woman will only get your feelings hurt in the long run, keep in mind you are still a woman and as such you are by nature an emotional creature. With that said, you cannot suppress your true self for long unless you plan to completely lose your womanly Essence and that would be tragic to say the least. How can you adopt the mindset of what you believe to be a mans mindset without ever being one? Some women only think they have it figured out from what they perceive to be how a man thinks. If you are basing your assumptions solely on the assholes you have encountered would that not make you just as bad as them? So then if you claim to be a "good woman" won't you basically nullify that title? ........I say stay a woman in all that the gender encompasses,  do not attempt to be, act or think like something you have no idea how to be. Just  Become a better YOU, changing your behavior when its not really you is like putting on a mask, then it means you're just fake, so how can you demand that a man be "real" with you and you are not being real with yourself? that's the bottom line. I think the the entire message is getting misinterpreted by the masses due to low intelligence and easily manipulated minds. Not calling anyone stupid but if you have ever said anything resembling this --->"flip the script on them once in a while, they can dish it out but can't take it...." then you are lost. First of all WHY are you dealing with someone that you must play games with to get treated right? Secondly are you listening to how Hoodrattishly bitter you sound? (Yes I just made that word up......Sue me LOL). Letting your mind become warped by the stereotypical images of the "men vs women" saga will have you alone and bitter faster than a Hoe gets pregnant at all star weekend....that's pretty damn fast. You must THINK for yourselves and BE the woman you are meant to be, seek guidance from better sources than Taylor Perry movies and girlfriends reruns sometimes and PLEASE stop looking up to RHOA and the basketball sluts *ahem* I mean "wives" as role models. I think the exaggerated portrayals of what a black woman should do, say and act like are destroying your true Essence.  Come back to reality. (Disclaimer if you are feeling some type of way about my post and missed the message, I'm not sorry, you probably needed to read this if it pissed you off)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Make her the main course

PUSSY EATING!!------ first of all i love when a woman straddles my face, lowers herself down just above my mouth and i grab her thighs while she grabs the backboard. then i start with some slow licks to feel out where everything is located and make sure i control my breath so the hot air stimulates her pussy. as i am licking i push my tongue inside gently every few licks so she feels my warm tongue enter her hot spot. her knees may start to get weak so (at this point i usually lay her down on her back and continue and i put her legs on my shoulders) as i am doing all this i reach up and caress her breast, firmly but not to rough. when i feel that it's time to turn up the heat i sometimes cover her pussy with my lips and make my tongue go faster while it's inside her, up and down and side to side, no teeth involved (that's a no no, this aint no chewing gum) ---now it's time to really mess her head up. i get to the clit and place my lips around it and start to suck it gently while my tongue twirls around it in alternating directions. every now and then i lick my tongue out to trace the opening #MultiTasking (if she likes fingers involved i will curl my index finger up into her G-Spot and massage it while sucking the clit) -------by now or even before then she should be squirming and looking like a break dancer lol-----she will either grab the back of my head or grab the sheets now........this means she is about to BLOW!! and being the asshole that i guessed it, i start sucking a little harder and really moving my tongue around it, i want her to damn near pass out off this orgasm. then POOOOOOOOW, she cums, but nope i hold the legs to my shoulders and keep licking, slowing it down a bit but keeping contact, legs shaking, loud moaning, a few "im cummings, oh shits!! and maybe a oooo daddy" ........and then after it's all said and done......i pull out the pole, yes dear Dick (the other other dark meat) is on the menu so don't get up yet!!

Monday, March 26, 2012


When the Trayvon Martin tragedy begins to become more of a media circus instead of a public outcry you know society and the world in general is really messed up. It went from a horrible event and display of true darkness in a mans heart strong enough to make him take another humans life, To a racially charged media frenzy,  where every washed up actor wants to rekindle their 15 minutes that have long fizzled out. We are beginning to see Trayvon Martin T-Shirts being sold in the Hood, I guess they cared momentarily but then realized "better get on my hustle".....its pathetic.  Now every politician running for any office has to speak out......but for all the wrong reasons. Now the "hoodie" pic has become the cool thing to do, provided many have done it for the right reasons, there are some who are just bandwagon riders. And last but not least the news channel scavengers, speculating on court room strategies .........meanwhile the man responsible WALKS FREE! Regardless of race, color or creed, a child was murdered and the person that committed the crime walks untouched.we live in a world where MONEY is the get out of jail free card and your innocence can be purchased at a discount. Truth and justice barely exist any more, its all dependent on who can lie the best to the jury . Celebrities speak but wont donate a dime until it becomes the "cool thing" to do,  news shows don't give a damn until ratings need a boost, politicians wont speak out until voters need to be stimulated, bandwagon folks wont do anything until it effects them and is at their front door. I commend everyone who are ACTUALLY doing something,  the folks who attended the rallies and voiced their disdain for a horrible injustice.  Truth be told, I don't care why The boy was in that neighborhood,  what I DO care about is that YOU, ME, OUR CHILDREN are not in a "free county " if we can't simply walk wherever we want free of senseless harassment,  but guess what........if that's the case......some of us have never been free.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


STAND UP AND BEND OVER!!-------she texts me at 11:49 and it says "WYD?" , i reply "You as soon as you get here". she texts back "on my way" , and my response is "the door is open......."she opens the door slowly to a dark house, i can see he but she cannot see me, as she closes the door i move toward her and begin to kiss her, no words are spoken, only body language, tongues meeting, hands touching, rubbing, caressing, exploring every inch of each other's body. i am already naked so it's only fair that she matches the dress code for the evening so as i kiss, lick and suck on her neck i remove her shirt. as i massage her breast the bra comes off, as i suck on her erect nipples i unbutton her pants, i slowly reach down into her panties and feel her clean shaved pussy, it is already wet with anticipation i finger her gently as i continue to taste her body all over. i slip her shoes, pants and panties off and onto the floor.......After getting her ready and wet, she attempts to walk and lead me into the room but i have something different in mind. i push her naked body against the wall and spread her legs, i then kneel down in front of her in the dark and begin to .......................lick and suck on her pussy lips, she leans back as i continue to massage her clit with my tongue and taste her juices, she starts to get weak at the knees but i tell her " you are not allowed to tap out just yet......we are JUST getting started, take it like a woman"i push two fingers into her wet pussy while sucking her clit and curl them up into her spot, she begins to moan louder and louder......"damn baby" "what you trying to do to me"---------i cannot talk while my mouth is full, you shouldn't talk while you are eating anyways.......mmmmm. now i am ready to take her to the room, we walk slowly while kissing and moving towards the door to the room, since we both are oblivious to our surroundings, we knock over different unseen items. i can feel the carpet to my room on my feet, next is the bed post, she tries to sit down but again i remind her who is in charge of the show...........i stand her back up.........i turn her around and say "bend over" .......i place her hands on the bed as she bends over in front of me and i begin to eat her dripping pussy from the back, tastes sweet and my dick is HARD and ready to push inside of her, but good things "cum" to those who wait. as she begins to tremble and shake from the oncoming orgasm, i start to speed up, i push my fingers inside of her and i can feel her vaginal walls begin to contract harder and faster, harder and FASTER........."OOOOOH MY DAMN I'M CUMMING!!!! OHH FUCK BABY FUCK FUCK FUCK!!" she starts to crumble like a stack of dominoes.........but i am not done yet, i ease her onto to bed and's my turn. I Push my hard dick inside her as her orgasm is starting to ease up, but i was to kick start her engine into over drive, i hold her legs up against my chest as i stroke slowly but steady........i feel that pussy still jerking, it feels so GOOD as i slide inside the wetness, lucky my dick can swim well! i begin to speed up, and lean back so my dick hits directly on her G-Spot i can feel her having smaller orgasms and she starts to grab her breasts and lick her fingers, i can feel the edge on my dick head and it becomes hard to handle it, i fee like i am going to cum but i don't want to yet, so i slow down. i turn her over and start to hit it from the back. Damn her ass looks good shaking and SLAMMING against me, "Take this dick baby" i shout as if i am king of the ring "i am Daddy, i am!!" she replies.............this goes on for a good while. I can feel my body starting to tingle all over, i am getting close to exploding. "Baby go faster i'm about to nut" she says........."me too, DAMN me too!"....i start to push harder, deeper.....faster......faster......faster.........FASTER.......SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!!!!! breathing harder and harder i feel her pussy clamp down on my dick and start pulling, damn i am about to blast off, as she cums hard on my dick she breaks down and lowers to the bed, i pull out and starting jacking off......"i want it on my ass baby!" and....................FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK !!! SHIT!! DAMN!!! i bust a HUGE nut all over her ass, i can't handle it and fall down beside her, we are both gasping for air.........covered in sweat, bodies tingling and between the breathes we kiss, "damn that was good"........"lets take a shower and start again later"............