Friday, November 30, 2012

My Nerd DNA

Star wars is my all time favorite, even have "Jedi" on my old Marine Dog tags, I've been a fan ever since my father took me to see it on Scott AFB and a real R2D2 rolled up and down the rows during the movie, my kid brain was officially BLOWN!! however, my dad also sat me down to watch Star trek with him on afternoons after my homework was done and again, I was utterly fascinated, Spock was the freaking coolest......then there was the time my mother FORCED me to read "the Hobbit" over the summer for a book report we had to submit to her.....I was furious, how DARE she take my Nintendo time away with....a BOOK!!...And after getting into it, I LOVED IT, next I was at the library looking for the other stories!! So I can't choose one, my Geekazoid DNA is infused with them all. I won't get into my love for Anime but you get it. These are all staples of the Nerd Universal space time continuum.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Be the blessing

You get from life whatever you put into it, be kind to others and respect those who do so to you. surround yourself with positive people who possess the traits of loyalty, honesty and humility and see how your life gains a quality you never thought possible. Blessings come in all forms, not just material. Think about how sometimes at your lowest point, someone says just the right thing to lift you up. At those times the right person may be there with an unexpected helping hand or encourage you to not give up. Now, think of this, sometimes a person you may or may not know may hit a low point, you should be there for them as well, in doing so, you give back and become a vessel of blessing to them. Just see how good it will make you feel just to help someone. It's good for your spirit, try it.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


On this day I remember all of my brothers and sisters in arms that have lost their lives in the name of freedom. Serving our country was a choice, not mandatory so in other words, we choose to give our lives so that innocent civilians never have to. We are not perfect, we are not machines, we are simply everyday men and women with families just like anyone else. We chose to fight and we gladly will give our lives so you can hopefully keep on living. Thank you for allowing us, to serve you the people and our country. Semper Fidelis, always faithful.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

full circle

everything in life has a way of returning full circle, what you put out into the universe shall always and forever come back to you. karma works both ways, negative and positive energy within our actions, words and treatment of others multiply and return to us. it is our choice to try to be the best person that we can or not. as a man i try my best to be loyal and true to the ones around me as well as the ones i love and care for, to this day anytime i need anything, i can just call any one of my friends that i have helped in my lifetime. when i die, i want people to remember that i was a good person and a man of integrity despite my many flaws.